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Summary: 2002-2003 Pell Grant Year-To-Date File Now Available

Publication Date: December 13, 2002

Author: General Manager: FSA Schools Channel

Summary: 2002-2003 Pell Grant Year-To-Date File Now Available

Posted on 12-13-2002

TO: All Destination Points

FROM: Common Origination and Disbursement (COD)

RE: 2002-2003 Pell Grant Year-To-Date File Now Available

The 2002-2003 Pell Year-to-Date (YTD) file is now available for phase-in schools. Please note that this file will be provided only in the fixed length record format detailed in the record layouts in the custom layouts section of the 2002-2003 Pell Technical Reference.

The YTD file is used in reconciliation and in replacing a corrupted database. It also provides information to schools about a student's origination and disbursement status, as well as a summary total of all origination and disbursement data submitted by a school.

The YTD file is composed of three parts: a YTD origination record, YTD disbursement records, and a YTD summary. One origination record will be returned for each student that has an origination record on file at the requesting campus. The YTD origination record reflects the data that is most current for that student on file with COD. The YTD disbursement records for the student show the accepted data for each disbursement tied to the student's origination record. The YTD summary provides summary information on all origination and disbursements contained in the YTD file. Also, the YTD summary shows the number of recipients at the school; the number of origination and disbursement records that were accepted, corrected, duplicated, or rejected.


There are a few discrepancies in the record layout between the processing notes in the 2002-2003 Pell Technical Reference and what will be sent to schools. They are as follows:

-- Batch IDs - (Positions 311-336 on the Origination Record and 104-129 on the Disbursement Record) no longer reflect the ID number of the batch on which that transaction was submitted. The Batch ID fields are populated with a validly formatted batch ID that contains values that reflects the current processing date and time.

-- Enrollment Status (position 217 on the Origination record) is not being maintained in the COD system. Since this field is not being stored the Enrollment Status field will always be returned as a '1". For schools that have reported origination information with alternate schedules (e.g. Academic Calendar of 4) this may impact your ability to easily export these records. Please contact EDExpress Customer Service or your appropriate vendor to resolve any issues that may arise.

-- Previously, records within the YTD file were returned in an Origination ID order. The YTD file will no longer be returned in a specific sort order, i.e. the records will not be returned in alphabetical or numeric order. However, the same sort options available previously in EdExpress continue to be available.

-- The Estimated Disbursement Date fields #2 - 15 (positions 77-188) are no longer maintained on the COD system. The only Estimated Disbursement Date that will be returned on the Pell YTD Origination record is Estimated Disbursement Date #1 (positions 69-76).

-- Action Code (position 60 on the Origination record and 38 on the Disbursement Record) is always returned as an "A" even if the initial submission was returned with an edit/comment code that indicated a correction was made.

-- The Summary record. The counts for number of submitted, accepted, corrected, and rejected records for originations and disbursements do not accurately reflect the processing history of the records submitted by an institution. Please do not rely on these counts for system balancing or reconciliation.

-- The error code counts in the summary record reflect COD edit numbers, not phase in edit numbers.

A phase-in participant school may request the YTD file by contacting their COD School Relations Representative. Schools can either telephone the COD Support Center (800-4PGRANT) or send an e-mail to with the words "Pell YTD" in the subject line. Schools that have already requested a Pell YTD through COD Customer Support do not have to re-request the file: they will be sent to the SAIG mailboxes before the end of December.

COD will send this file in the fixed length format detailed in the record layouts in the custom layouts section of the 2002-2003 Pell Technical Reference. A separate YTD file will be generated for each Pell ID requested. The requested YTD will be placed in the school's SAIG mailbox, and will have the batch message class PGYR03OP with a batch type of #Y.

At this time, the ability to request the file is not available via the COD website or batch data request. Beginning February 2003, we anticipate that schools will be able to request this file, as well as the Reconciliation File, Multiple Reporting Record (MRR) and the Electronic Statement of Account (ESOA), using the COD website or by submitting a data request via the batch process. COD apologizes for any inconvenience this has caused. Updates on the Pell Year-to-Date request availability by web or batch request will be in the COD Processing Updates at If you do not have access to the COD website, please refer to

If you are using the Pell EDExpress software and have any questions on working with the YTD data in EDExpress, contact CPS/WAN Customer Service at 800-330-5947, or email CPS@NCS.COM. For other schools using third party vendor software, please consult your vendor's documentation for more information on the uses of YTD data.

Thank you for your patience and continued support of COD as we implement additional functionality for the 2002-03 award year.