Maintained for Historical Purposes

This resource is being maintained for historical purposes only and is not currently applicable.

Summary: Deadline for Enrolling in eCDR is 12/31/2002

Publication Date: November 26, 2002

Author: General Manager: FSA Students Channel

Summary: Deadline for Enrolling in eCDR is 12/31/2002

Posted on 11-26-2002

TO: All Destination Points

FROM: U.S. Department of Education

RE: Deadline for Enrolling in eCDR is 12/31/2002

The U.S. Department of Education would like to remind all domestic schools that the deadline for enrolling in the Electronic Cohort Default Rate (eCDR) notification process is 12/31/02.

Details about eCDR enrollment were provided in the electronic announcement of 10/10/02, available on the IFAP Web site ( in the 2002 award year Electronic Announcements and on the SAIG enrollment site ( through the "Frequently Asked Questions" link.

If you are unsure whether you have enrolled or you would like to verify your enrollment status for the eCDR notification process, you may check your enrollment status on the SAIG enrollment site ( Once there, click on the "Check Enrollment Status" link and follow the steps given.

If you have not signed up for eCDR, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Enroll icon located on the SAIG Enrollment site Home Page ( Click on Next.
  2. From the Enroll Main Menu click on Modify Existing Services for a Destination Point. Click on Next.
  3. Enter the TG number you wish to Add Services for. Click on Next.
  4. Enter the Identifier Information for that TG number. Click on Next.
  5. Select Add a New Service from the menu. Click on Next.
  6. Click on the Yes radio button associated with eCDR. Click on Next.
  7. Complete the OPEID and President's Name fields. Click on Next.
  8. Click on Next when told you have reached the end of the enrollment process.
  9. On the Final Review page, verify that the information you have entered is correct. When you are satisfied that everything that is correct, click on Submit Form.
  10. Select No from the drop down menu to indicate that you do not wish make any other changes, then click Next.
  11. Click on the End Transaction radio button. Click on Next.
  12. Click on the End Transaction radio button again on the new menu screen. Click on Next.
  13. Read the page labeled "Step Three: Responsibilities of the Destination Point Administrator." Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Print Statements (Required)."
  14. A second browser window will appear containing the signature pages. If the window is blank, press F5 on your keyboard. Then click on the printer icon on the toolbar in the secondary browser window. Both the Destination Point Administrator and the head of your institution (chancellor, president, etc.) must sign. Mail the signed signature pages to CPS/WAN Technical Support. The transaction will be finalized when the signature pages are received.
  15. Click on Next, then OK when asked whether your signature pages printed satisfactorily.
  16. Print out the Confirmation Number for your own records. You will be asked for that number if you call CPS/WAN Technical Support with questions concerning your enrollment.

If you have questions about the enrollment process, including use of the Student Aid Internet Gateway enrollment site at, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at

If you have questions about the Electronic Cohort Default Rate (eCDR) notification process please contact Default Management at or via telephone at 202/377-4258.