Publication Date: October 22, 2002
Author: General Manager: FSA Student Channel
Summary: Ordering Bulk Quantities of 2003-2004 Application Materials
Posted on 10-22-2002
FROM: General Manager, Students Channel
SUBJECT: Ordering Bulk Quantities of 2003-2004 Application Materials
Dear Partner:
Thank you for continuing to encourage your students to "Go Online with the U.S. Department of Education," particularly with the online versions of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). FAFSA on the Web shortens processing time from weeks to days, reduces errors, and contains step-by-step instructions for completing the form.
How to Order English and Spanish 2003-04 FAFSA
You can order English and Spanish versions of the paper 2003-04 FAFSA now by going to our online Bulk Publication Ordering System (BPOS). You can access the system from our Schools Portal Web site at and selecting "Publications and How to Order" from the list of the links on the left-hand side of the main page. Please note that you will need to provide your 8-digit OPEID number when placing your order.
How to Determine Quantity
Due to the dramatic increase in the number of students applying electronically for financial aid, we are again printing smaller quantities of paper FAFSAs for the upcoming year. Therefore, we are asking you to voluntarily reduce the number of 2003-04 FAFSAs you order. Unlike last year, however, we will not automatically reduce your order. We encourage you to order only what you need to serve your students.
When placing your order of 2003-04 FAFSAs from BPOS, we will automatically compare your order to your initial 2002-03 order.
- If your 2003-04 order is less than last year we will process your request and send you the full number of FAFSAs you ordered.
- If your initial order is equal to or greater than last year, we will send you the full amount you order, but before your order is processed a message will appear on the web ordering form asking you to consider reducing your order. At that time, you can either proceed with your order or you can reduce it.
To help you evaluate the demand at your school for paper FAFSAs for the upcoming year, we encourage you to look at data about the number of paper and electronic 2002-03 FAFSAs processed for your school. This information is highlighted in the FSA News area of the Schools Portal
When to Expect Delivery
We expect to begin distribution of the 2003-04 FAFSAs in mid to late November 2002. We will ship the FAFSAs as quantities arrive from the printer, sequenced by the dates that orders were placed (rather than geographic regions). You will be able to check the BPOS web site to see when your order was shipped. Once it is shipped, please allow six business days for delivery.
What is FAFSA on the Web Pre-Application Worksheet?
FSA has developed a 2003-04 FAFSA on the Web Pre-Application Worksheet for students who plan to use the Web to apply for financial aid. As you know, some students like to complete a paper FAFSA to prepare for filling out the online FAFSA. However, because the 2003-04 version of FAFSA on the Web will allow some students who qualify for an automatic zero Expected Family Contribution or the Simplified Needs Test (SNT) the option of skipping certain questions, the order of questions on the online FAFSA will not follow the exact same order as the 2003-04 paper FAFSA. Therefore, it is very important to tell web filers to use the Pre-Application Worksheet instead of a paper FAFSA. Please adjust your request for paper FAFSA downward in light of this.
FSA will soon be posting a printable version of the Pre-Application Worksheet on IFAP at and on the Students Portal at We encourage you to print copies of the Worksheet from the IFAP web site and distribute them to your students, or direct your students to the Students Portal where they can print a copy. Beginning on January 1, 2003, when the 2003-04 version of FAFSA on the Web becomes available, students will be able to print the Pre-Application Worksheet from Section 1 of the FAFSA on the Web home page at
What else is New?
- Watch for an upcoming announcement on IFAP, which will describe in more detail the changes we are making to the 2003-04 online FAFSA.
- NEW! Repaying Your Student Loans: A new publication that provides a detailed explanation of how borrowers can manage their student loan debt. The booklet explains how repayment works and summarizes the various loan repayment plans to ease debt burden. Repaying Your Student Loans contains not only discussions of deferment, forbearance, and consolidation but gives detailed charts on typical payments under the loan programs, and offers a budget worksheet to help borrowers get a handle on spending and managing their money wisely. This booklet is designed for seniors in college or those about to leave postsecondary institutions.
- Need Money for College? ( A trifold that publicizes and explains our new, "one-stop shopping" Web site. This new site enables student aid applicants and recipients to find, in one place, what they need to know about federal student aid and how to apply. At this site students can learn about preparing, choosing, applying, funding and attending education beyond high school. The brochure explains what information applicants can access through the site.
- The Student Guide: A booklet that gives comprehensive information on our student assistance programs, application procedures, eligibility requirements, etc. It is aimed at college students and parents.
Again, thank you for your invaluable contribution to our common goal--to help put America through school.