Publication Date: October 3, 2002
Author: General Manager: FSA Schoool Channel
Summary: Sign Up For eCDR Now Available
Posted on 10-03-2002
Sign Up For eCDR Now Available
The SAIG enrollment form is now available at for all domestic Title IV schools to sign up to participate in the electronic cohort default rate (eCDR) notification process. Schools should plan to enroll prior December 31, 2002. Enrollees in eCDR must also submit a President, CEO, or Chancellor signature page to activate the eCDR process for their school.
Through eCDR, your school will receive draft and official cohort default rate packages instantly and electronically rather than by hard copy through courier service. eCDR packages will be delivered to the destination point chosen by your school, including a third party servicer if desired. In addition, having the extract format of the loan record detail report instantly available can facilitate your school's participation in the challenge, adjustment, and appeal processes and with default prevention activities.
If you have questions about the electronic cohort default rate (eCDR) notification process please contact Default Management at or via phone at 202-377-4258.