Publication Date: September 16, 2002
Author: General Manager: FSA School Channel
Summary:School Cohort Default Rates To Be Delivered Electronically in 2003
Posted on 09-16-2002
On September 9, 2002, the Department mailed the fiscal year 2000 cohort default rate notification packages to schools. Beginning with the fiscal year 2001 draft cohort default rate distribution in February of 2003, and continuing for every notification process thereafter, the Department will electronically transmit cohort default rate notification packages to schools via the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG). The electronic cohort default rate (eCDR) notification process will replace the paper notification process for all Title IV schools located in the United States. The Department will continue to send hardcopy notification to foreign schools.
Each eCDR package will include a cover letter, a reader-friendly loan record detail report, and an extract-type loan record detail report. The extract-type loan record detail report is spreadsheet or database compatible and thereby eases loan data analysis. Your school’s ability to import the extract-type loan detail report into a spreadsheet or database immediately upon receipt of notification may expedite and simplify your participation in any or all of the challenge, adjustment, and appeal processes and with default prevention activities.
All domestic Title IV schools must sign up to participate in eCDR via the SAIG enrollment form. Starting in October 2002, the enrollment form will be available at Schools should plan to enroll prior to the end of calendar year 2002. Enrollees in eCDR must also submit a President, CEO, or Chancellor signature page to activate the eCDR process for their school.
If you have questions about the electronic cohort default rate (eCDR) notification process please contact Default Management at or via phone at 202-377-4258.