Publication Date: Month 4-Digit Year
Author: General Manager: FSA Student Channel
Summary: Issue Alert: FISAP-Eligible Dependent Students Report Excluding Students Whose Enrollment Status is Less Than Full-Time
Posted on 09-12-2002
TO: All EDExpress Packaging Users
FROM: CPS/WAN Technical Support
RE: Issue Alert: FISAP-Eligible Dependent Students Report Excluding Students Whose Enrollment Status is Less Than Full-Time
CPS/WAN Technical Support wishes to alert all users of the 2001-2002 EDExpress Version 7.2 Packaging module that we recently discovered an issue on the FISAP-Eligible Dependent Students Report. It does not affect the FISAP- Eligible Independent Students Report.
When printing the FISAP-Eligible Dependent Students Report, the software is omitting all students whose enrollment status is other than full time. If the enrollment term on a student’s Awards tab is anything other than full time, that student will not appear on the Eligible Dependent Students Report.
NOTE: If all the student records in your Packaging database have a full time enrollment status, then this issue will not affect the results of the FISAP-Eligible Dependent Students Report.
WORKAROUND: Create a Packaging query based on Dependency Status, Enrollment Status, and Total Income Range. Attach the query to the List - Entered Packaging Records report for each income range listed on the FISAP-Eligible Dependent Students Report (this will require you to print the report several times).
To create your Packaging Query:
- Go to Tools, Query, Packaging.
- Click "Add".
- Enter a Title of your choosing.
- Under "Field:" select DEPENDENCY STATUS-DEMO. Under "Operator:" select "=". Under "Value:" enter "D".
- Click "Append" and then click "And".
- Under "Field:" select ENROLLMENT STATUS-PACKAGING. Under "Operator:" select "<>". Under "Value:" enter "NOT ENROLLED".
- Click "Append" and then click "And".
- Under "Field:" select TOTAL INCOME. Under "Operator:" select ">=". Under "Value:" check the "Prompt at Execution:" box.
- Click "Append" and then click "And".
- Under "Field:" select TOTAL INCOME. Under "Operator:" select "<=". Under "Value:" check the "Prompt at Execution:" box.
- Click "Append" and then click "Save".
Use this query to print a List - Entered Packaging Records for each income range listed on the your FISAP-Eligible Dependent Students Report ($0-2,999, $3,000-5,999, etc.).
To run the List - Entered Packaging Records report:
- Go to File, Print, Packaging.
- Select the List-Entered Packaging Records Report.
- Click "Select Criteria".
- Click the elipsis button ("…") to the right of Query Title and select the query created in the steps above. Click OK twice.
- Enter the total income range desired in the Field Value column (0-2,999 for example) and click OK.
- Click "Close" and then click OK to print the report.
- Repeat these steps for each income range.
We regret any inconvenience this issue may cause you. If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.