Publication Date: August 2002
Author: General Manager: FSA Student Channel
Summary: Draft 2003-2004 Student Aid Report (SAR) Mockups
Posted on August 16, 2002
TO: All Destination Points
FROM: Application Processing
Students Channel
RE: Draft 2003-2004 Student Aid Report (SAR) Mockups
We are pleased to provide you with a draft copy dated 07/19/02 of the 2003-2004 Student Aid Report (SAR). The color of the SAR is yellow.
The overall format of the 2003-2004 SAR has not changed from the 2002-2003 format. The SAR will continue to be in a letter format and will provide instructions about the student's eligibility status, verification requirements and information on how to correct any assumptions made during processing. We have however, made the following enhancements:
- Increased "VA Benefits" field
- New "Date of Marital Status" field
- E-mail address is numbered and can be corrected
- Student's ID barcode added
- DRN moved to bottom left hand corner of SAR to eliminate confusion with EFC
- Added information about where to get Worksheets A, B, and C on the Web if student needs to correct these items
- W-2 line references added to questions
- Statement added to page 2 that student must update their answer to question 35 if drug conviction status changes
The order of data elements is the same as the order on the paper Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Also, the FAA Information section will continue to allow the Financial Aid Administrator to find every relevant piece of information about a student's eligibility in one place.
SAR with Data
SAR without Data
SAR Acknowledgement with Data
SAR Acknowledgement without Data