Maintained for Historical Purposes

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Summary: Reminder for Students: Update Contact Information in Preparation for 2003-2004 Renewal Application Process

Publication Date: August 15, 2002

Author: General Manager: FSA Student Channel

Summary: Reminder for Students: Update Contact Information in Preparation for 2003-2004 Renewal Application Process

Posted On August 15, 2002

TO: All Destination Points
FROM: Application Processing, Students Channel
RE: Reminder for Students: Update Contact Information in Preparation for 2003-2004 Renewal Application Process

The 2003-2004 Renewal Application process will begin in October 2002. The Department asks that schools remind their students to update their e-mail address, physical mailing address and other contact information so Renewal FAFSAs or PINs may be delivered to the student in a timely manner to the proper location.

PIN mailers for access to the 2003-2004 Renewal FAFSA on the Web site will be mailed to students if:

  • ·The applicant used the Web to file an application or make a correction to his/her application in 2002-2003;
  • They indicated on the 2002-2003 FAFSA a grade level in college equal to fifth year undergraduate student or first year graduate, professional or higher; or
  • The school requested that a PIN instead of a paper Renewal FAFSA be sent to the student in 2002-2003.

Of the students that meet one of the above criteria, those who provided an e-mail address on the 2002-2003 FAFSA will receive a PIN notification e-mail, while those who did not provide an e-mail address will receive their PIN via the U. S. Postal Service. The PIN notification email contains a URL that the student can access to receive a duplicate PIN. All other students will be mailed paper Renewal FAFSAs via U. S. Postal Service.

To ensure all mailed materials are sent to the correct location returning students should ensure they have provided the most current e-mail and physical mailing address information to the Central Processing System (CPS).

Students can update their contact information by visiting the FAFSA on the Web site at . Contact information can be viewed and/or updated via the Student Access section of the site.

Students with questions about the use of FAFSA on the Web should call 800/4-FED-AID for assistance.