Maintained for Historical Purposes

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Summary: Draft 2003-2004 ISIR Record Layouts Available

Publication Date: July, 2002

Author: General Manager: FSA Student Channel

Summary: Draft 2003-2004 ISIR Record Layouts Available

Posted on July 25, 2002

TO: All Destination Points

FROM: U.S. Department of Education

RE: Draft 2003-2004 ISIR Record Layouts Available

We have posted draft versions of the 2003-2004 ISIR Record Layouts and Cross Reference Table on the Department's SFAdownload Web site (located at These drafts will ultimately become Section 3 and part of Section 4 of the 2003-2004 EDE Technical Reference.

Draft record layouts are used by schools that need to design software systems to interface with ED's software in order to process applications and package student financial aid awards for the 2003-2004 cycle. The final version of the 2003-2004 EDE Technical Reference will be available by mid-November 2002.

To download this document:

1) Go to

2) Click on the "References and Documentation" link on the left side of the page.

3) Click on the "Electronic Data Exchange Technical Reference." Underneath it, click on the link labeled "2003-2004."

4) Scroll down to the section labeled "Record Layouts." You may select Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat format. Right-click on the Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Word link to view a short context menu.

5) If you're using Microsoft Internet Explorer, left-click on "Save Target As," then navigate to the folder where you wish to save the file. If you're using Netscape, left-click on "Save Link As," then navigate to the folder where you wish to save the file.

6) Once the file has been saved, open the saved file in the appropriate program (Acrobat or Word) to view and print the document.

These drafts are also available on the Department's IFAP Web site (located at

To download from the Department's IFAP Web site:

1) Go to

2) Click on the "Current Publications by Title" link.

3) Scroll down to the "SAR/ISIR Reference Materials" link and click on it.

4) Click on the "By 2003-2004 Award Year" link.

5) Click on the "Draft 2003-2004 ISIR Record Layout" link; you can select the Record Layouts and Description or the ISIR Cross Reference in either Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat format.

6) Right-click on the appropriate link to view a short context menu.

7) If you're using Microsoft Internet Explorer, left-click on "Save Target As," then navigate to the folder where you wish to save the file. If you're using Netscape, left-click on "Save Link As," then navigate to the folder where you wish to save the file.

8) Once the file has been saved, open the saved file in the appropriate program (Acrobat or Word) to view and print the document.

If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this document, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at CPSWAN@NCS.COM