Maintained for Historical Purposes

This resource is being maintained for historical purposes only and is not currently applicable.

Summary: 2002-2003 Applications Processed by School by Source - as of July 7, 2002

Publication Date: July 2002

Author: General Manager: FSA Student Channel

Summary: 2002-2003 Applications Processed by School by Source - as of July 7, 2002

Posted on July 17, 2002

TO: Financial Aid Administrators
FROM: Jennifer Douglas
Student Channel, FSA
RE: 2002-2003 Applications Processed by School by Source - as of July 7, 2002

Schools have requested information about the number of FAFSAs listing their school code, and the source of the application. We are pleased to provide this data, current as of July 7, 2002. It will be updated periodically.

The attached report shows the number of 2002-2003 applications received for each Federal School Code (FSC), and the source of application, i.e., paper, electronic, or web. The report is posted in both Excel and PDF formats.

The report is sorted by FSC. Please note that the leading zeroes are missing for any school codes that begin with zeros. You need only to use the remaining numbers in your search. For example, if your code is 001111 you would search for 1111.

If you have questions, please contact the Customer Service Call Center at (800) 433-7327 between 9 am - 5 pm Eastern. Email questions can be sent to: