Publication Date: July 1, 2002
Author: General Manager: FSA School Channel
Summary: The Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) system Pell processing update of Monday, June 24, 2002
Posted on July 1, 2002
TO: All Destination Points
FROM: U.S. Department of Education
Summary:� The Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) system Pell processing update of Monday, June 24, 2002.
Pell Disbursement Records
COD is processing Pell disbursement records as of Monday, June 24, 2002. All records submitted will receive acknowledgements to the schools' SAIG mailboxes.
Multiple Reporting Records (MRR)
MRR reports are not available at this time. The COD School Relations Center will contact schools to advise them of students in a potential overaward status due to enrollment at other schools. The MRR reports are in final development. We will notify you as soon as they are available.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the COD School
Relations Center:
Telephone: 1-800-4P-GRANT or 1-800-848-0978