Maintained for Historical Purposes

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Summary: 2001-2002 CPS Cycle Submission Deadlines

Publication Date: June 24, 2002

Author: General Manager: FSA Student Channel

Summary: 2001-2002 CPS Cycle Submission Deadlines


Posted on June 24, 2002

TO: Financial Aid Administrators

FROM: U.S. Department of Education

RE: 2001-2002 CPS Cycle Submission Deadlines

The Department wishes to remind all Title IV financial aid administrators of the approaching deadlines for the 2001-2002 application processing system.

The deadline for all electronic 2001-2002 Free Applications for Federal Student Aid (FAFSAs) is 12:00 midnight Central Time on July 1, 2002. This includes FAFSAs created by the school using EDExpress, FAFSA Express or third-party software and submitted via the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) as well as those applications submitted via FAA Access. Electronic transmissions that begin before midnight on July 1 but not completed until after midnight Central Time will not meet the deadline.Â

Similarly, the deadline for applications submitted via FAFSA on the Web is also midnight Central Time on July 1, 2002. Transmissions that begin before midnight but not completed until after midnight will not meet the deadline. Paper FAFSAs must be received at the FAFSA Processor no later than July 1, 2002.

The deadline for schools to submit electronic corrections and duplicate requests via the SAIG and FAA Access is midnight Central Time on August 27, 2002. The transmission must be completed and accepted no later than the deadline in order to be accepted.

Transmissions using Corrections on the Web must be finished no later than midnight Central Time on August 16, 2002. Similarly, all corrections, changes of address, changes of institution, and duplicate requests submitted by students on Part 2 of the paper Student Aid Report must be received by the FAFSA Processor no later than August 16, 2002. However, requested changes of address, changes of institution, and duplicate requests made by calling the Federal Student Aid Information Center (800/433-3243) have until August 27, 2002.

Application or correction data that is received after these deadlines will be rejected. There will be no exceptions made to these deadlines by the Department, including cases where schools have awarded Pell Grants to students without Pell-eligible ISIRs. Typically, these students are ineligible because they indicated on their FAFSAs that they already have a bachelor's degree or are enrolled in a graduate/professional program.

Prior to the corrections deadline, you can rectify these situations by correcting a student's ISIR to render the student Pell-eligible and then submit a disbursement request to RFMS. After the deadlines identified above, you will be unable to correct the ISIR. RFMS will not accept a Pell disbursement record for a student that does not have a Pell-eligible ISIR.

If your school has awarded a Pell Grant to a student without an accepted RFMS disbursement record, GAPS will not reimburse you for the money awarded. Please note, however, this only affects those cash disbursements for which there is no matching RFMS-accepted disbursement record on file.

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.