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Summary: Issue Alert: Printing Issues in EDExpress Version 8.1

Publication Date: April 29, 2002

Author: General Manager: SFA Student Channel

Summary: Issue Alert: Printing Issues in EDExpress Version 8.1

Posted on April 29, 2002

TO: All EDExpress Version 8.1 Users

FROM: CPS/WAN Technical Support

RE:Issue Alert: Printing Issues in EDExpress Version 8.1

We wish to alert you to three printing issues we have recently discovered in 2002-2003 EDExpress Version 8.1.

1) Issue: If you try to print multiple User-defined User Letters using the "Enter Multiple SSNs" grid, an SSN file, or the "Select Records..." option from the Selection Criteria dialog, you will receive the error message, "GReport: Failed to open report recordset. Reason: Join expression not supported."

Workaround: You may print multiple User-defined User Letters using a query as the Selection Criteria (although not in combination with "Select Records..."), or you may print individual User-defined User Letters by entering a student's SSN in the "Enter SSN" box on the Print dialog.

2) Issue: If you try to print multiple User-defined User Letters using a Packaging, Direct Loan, or Pell query as the Selection Criteria, then click on the "Select Records..." button on the Selection Criteria dialog, EDExpress Version 8.1 will generate a program error.

Workaround: Do not click on the "Select Records..." button on the Selection Criteria dialog if you have already chosen a query as the Selection Criteria for printing User-defined User Letters.

3) Issue: After installing or upgrading to EDExpress Version 8.1., you receive program errors during printing if your User ID's Security Group is not set up with the necessary access rights to the PRINT functions. Your UserID's Security Group must have Print functions enabled for the Global module and the PRINT MENU functions enabled for the Pell module (at minimum) to print without program errors.

Workaround: EDExpress does not automatically enable access rights for Security Groups when you create new groups or import prior-year Security Groups. You can check the access rights for each group via Tools | Setup | Global | Security Groups.

Click on the "Retrieve" button, located immediately above the "Help" button, to display a list of Security Groups. Select the Security Group to which your User ID belongs and click "OK." If you are using EDExpress Version 8.1, there will be five tabs across the top of the Security Groups dialog: Global, App Express, Packaging, Direct Loan, and Pell. Click on each tab to verify access rights in the Access column.

To prevent the printing error, the Access checkboxes must be checked for PRINT on the Global tab and PRINT MENU on the Pell tab, at minimum.

If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.