Publication Date: April 16, 2002
Author: General Manager: SFA Student Channel
Summary: Reminder: Guidance on FAFSA Drug Conviction Question #35
Posted on April 16, 2002
TO: Financial Aid Administrators
FROM: Application Processing
Students Channel, FSA
SUBJECT: Reminder: Guidance on FAFSA Drug Conviction Question #35
Please do not confuse an applicant's response to FAFSA Drug Conviction Question #35 with our Department of Justice (DOJ) data match regarding the Anti Drug Abuse Act of 1988. If an applicant is on the DOJ Drug Abuse file, the ISIR would have Reject 19, comment 009 and an EFC will not be calculated.
For responses on the FAFSA Drug Conviction Question #35, students should follow the guidance provided in the SAR/ISIR comment text. Please do not refer applicants to the Department of Education for resolution:
If applicant left question 35 blank, see comment 53:
· You left Item 35 blank. Your failure to provide an answer to this question makes you ineligible to receive Title IV aid. Either indicate that you have never been convicted of possessing or selling illegal drugs or use the enclosed worksheet to determine your answer to this question. In any case, you can correct this item by calling 800/4FED-AID (800/433-3243) or by going to <>. You can also use your SAR. Please understand that a drug conviction does not necessarily disqualify you from receiving student aid.
If applicant response to question 35 was "Yes" on a paper FAFSA, see comment 56:
· You reported in Item 35 that you have been convicted of an illegal drug offense. Use the enclosed worksheet to determine if your conviction(s) affect your eligibility for federal student aid. If you determine that your conviction(s) do not affect your eligibility for federal student aid, or affect it for only part of the 2002-2003 school year, you must correct Item 35 by using your SAR. You can also correct this item or get additional help with this question by calling 800/4FED-AID (800/433-3243).
YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR FEDERAL STUDENT AID WHILE YOUR ANSWER TO ITEM 35 IS "3" Whether or not your conviction(s) affect your eligibility for federal student aid, you may still be eligible to receive state, school, or other non-federal student aid.
If applicant response to question 35 was “Yes” on other than a paper FAFSA, see comment 58:
· You reported in Item 35 that you are not eligible for federal student aid as a result of a drug-related conviction, or that you do not know if your conviction(s) affect your eligibility. You may still be eligible to receive state, school, or other nonfederal student aid. If you determine that you have incorrectly answered this question, you must correct Item 35 by using your SAR. You can also correct this item or get help with this question by calling 800/4FED-AID (800/433-3243).
If applicant response to question 35 was "Yes (Part Year)" see comment 54:
· You reported a "2" in response to Item 35. This indicates that you are ineligible for federal student aid for part of the 2002-2003 school year. Your period of ineligibility resulting from your drug-related conviction(s) ends on or after July 1, 2002 but before June 30, 2003. You should contact your FAA when your ineligibility period ends so that he or she can determine if you may receive federal funds during the 2002-2003 award year.