Publication Date: March 21, 2002
Author: General Manager: SFA School Channel
Summary: SAIG Availability on March 24, 2002
Posted on March 21, 2002
To: All Title IV WAN Users
From: U.S. Department of Education
Re: SAIG Availability on March 24, 2002
Due to maintenance on the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG), the network will not be available between 7:00am-12:00pm EST, on Sunday, March 24, 2002. This would affect anyone attempting to send or receive data using EDconnect or EasyAccess during the indicated time period.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this weekend’s maintenance and thank you for your patience. If you have any questions about this message, contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 1-800-330-5947 or via electronic mail at