Maintained for Historical Purposes

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Summary: Reminder: 2002-2003 Electronic Applications and Verifiable Rejects A and C

Publication Date: March 5, 2002

Author: General Manager: SFA Student Channel

Summary: Reminder: 2002-2003 Electronic Applications and Verifiable Rejects A and C

Posted on March 5, 2002

TO: All Destination Points
FROM: CPS/WAN Technical Support
RE: Reminder: 2002-2003 Electronic Applications and Verifiable Rejects A and C

Some schools have noticed ISIRs for students whose FAFSA data appears to meet the criteria for either Verifiable Reject Reason A (date of birth equal to 1900-1927) or C (taxes paid equal to AGI), where the resulting SAR/ISIR does not display the reject reason and displays a calculated/valid EFC. These SARs/ISIRs are as a result of electronic applications. Because electronic filers are prompted to verify the data in question before submitting their applications, rejects A and C do not apply to electronic applications.

Information regarding the source of a FAFSA application is located in positions 674-675 of the ISIR record. ISIRs resulting from electronic applications will display the Application Source Site Code of 11 (electronic application submitted by school), 41 (FAFSA Express), 61 (FAFSA on the Web) or 62 (Renewal FAFSA on the Web). On an ISIR printed from 2002-2003 EDExpress software, the application source prints in the Application Source field in the Office Information section. You can also view the Application Source in the 2002-2003 EDExpress software while a student's record is open on the SAR/ISIR tab by going to the View menu, selecting the FAA Information option, and looking at the value associated with line number eight (Application Source Site Code).

We hope this information is helpful. If you have additional questions, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at (800) 330-5947 or via email at