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Summary: Change in procedures for the Data Release Numbers (DRN)

Publication Date: March 5, 2002

Author: General Manager: SFA Student Channel

Summary: Change in procedures for the Data Release Numbers (DRN)

Posted on March 5, 2002

To: All Financial Aid Administrators
From: Central Processing System
RE: Change in procedures for the Data Release Numbers (DRN)

CPS/WAN Technical Support wishes to inform you of a change in the way student Data Release Numbers (DRN's) are assigned. The DRN is a unique four-digit number assigned to each student and printed on the Student Aid Report (SAR). It is required when an institution wishes to change or add information on a student's SAR when that institution is not listed on the SAR. The DRN is sent only to the student, and ensures that only those institutions specifically chosen by the student will receive his/her personal data.

Until now, the DRN issued to each individual applicant for financial aid has remained constant from year to year. The Central Processing System assigned a DRN to the student in the first year s/he applied for aid and simply used the same DRN when the student applied for financial aid in subsequent years. In an effort to improve the security of student personal data, that procedure has now been changed. A new DRN will now be issued to each student every processing year s/he applies for financial aid.

Students, whose applications were processed prior to February 18, 2002, (for both 2001-2002 and 2002-2003) will receive the same DRN previously issued. However, applications processed on or after February 18, 2002 will receive a different DRN from the one they received the prior year.

If you have questions concerning this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800-330-5947 or e-mail us at