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Summary: Availability of 2002-03 federal student aid information to blind and visually impaired students and to deaf and hearing-impaired students

Publication Date: February 26, 2002

Author: General Manager: SFA Student Channel

Summary: Availability of 2002-03 federal student aid information to blind and visually impaired students and to deaf and hearing-impaired students

Posted on February 26, 2002

TO: All destination points
FROM: U.S. Department of Education
RE: Availability of 2002-03 federal student aid information to blind and visually impaired students and to deaf and hearing-impaired students

For 2002-03 the Department is continuing its efforts to offer blind and visually impaired students and deaf and hearing-impaired students information about our federal student loan, grant, and work-study programs in a variety of formats.

Assistance For Blind and Visually Impaired Students

We offer information to students on audio CD, in Braille, and on the Web. Our audio compact disc (CD), the Student Aid Audio Guide, is available to anyone who wants it. It can be played on any audio CD player, and it contains information on our federal student aid programs, application procedures, eligibility criteria, loan repayment options, and deferment and cancellation provisions. It also contains information on non-federal resources. (We will mail a CD to your school under separate cover.) If they prefer to listen online, students can also access the Audio Guide on the web by going to

Three of our print publications are also available in Braille:

-The Student Guide: A booklet with detailed descriptions of the federal student financial aid programs. It is targeted to high school and college students and parents.

-Funding Your Education (FYE): A booklet covering the essentials of the federal student financial aid programs (application procedures, eligibility requirements, etc.) It is targeted to high school students.

-The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): The form all students must complete when applying for the federal student aid programs administered by the Department of Education. The Braille FAFSA itself cannot be submitted. Students can use a Braille FAFSA as a reference aid.

To request Braille copies of these publications, students should call our Federal Student Aid Information Center toll-free at 1-800-433-3243. Student may also access both The Student Guide and Funding Your Education on the Web with a screen reader. For The Student Guide they can go to

For Funding Your Education, they can go to

The above-mentioned Braille FAFSA will help students complete the paper application. The FAFSA is also available electronically to students with screen readers at

Assistance for Deaf and Hearing-Impaired

Several of our major call centers have toll-free TTY numbers for deaf and hearing-impaired students. TTY access is available during the "operator-services" hours of operation.

Students may contact our Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-730-8913. The Center provides general information on the federal student aid programs administered by the Department of Education and also assists students in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students may also call 1-800-730-8913 for help applying electronically.

For assistance with their Direct Loans, students may contact our Borrower Services Center at 1-800-848-0983. Services provided include checking interest rates, updating account information, selecting a repayment plan, ordering deferment or forbearance forms, or discussing difficulties in making payments.

For help in consolidating their loans through the Department, students may contact the Direct Loan Consolidation Department at 1-800-557-7395. Students may obtain a complete list of loans eligible for consolidation, request a loan consolidation application, or if they have already applied, check the status of their applications.

We help put America through school and are committed to ensuring that visually impaired and hearing impaired students and their parents have access to our student aid information and services.