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New NSLDS Enrollment Reporting

Publication Date: January 2002

Author: SFA Chief Information Office (CIO)

New NSLDS Enrollment Reporting


Posted on January 9, 2002

To: All Destination Point

From: Student Financial Assistance,Chief Information Office (CIO)

Subject: New NSLDS Enrollment Reporting


NSLDS is excited to announce that starting January 2, 2002, the Student Status Confirmation Reporting (SSCR) process has a new name: Enrollment Reporting. With the new name comes a major update to both the batch processing of enrollment records and the NSLDSFAP Web site for financial aid professionals.

On the NSLDSFAP Web site you will find a brand new ENROLL tab. This new ENROLL tab gives users many more functions than before including multiple record updating, ease in adding students to a school's roster, and the ability for schools to set their own enrollment reporting schedule. Schools can even specify a particular day of the month to receive their roster file. Schools can also request ad hoc reports whenever they are needed.

We think schools will be excited with these new features. Schools may find that they can manage their entire enrollment reporting on the Web site more efficiently. A new Enrollment Reporting Guide, formally SSCR User's Guide, will be available by the end of the month at

For more information, you can read the NSLDS Newsletter by clicking on News & Events available at You do not need access to NSLDS to read the newsletter.

For assistance with this new process, you can call the NSLDS Customer Service Center at 1-800-999-8219.