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EAC: 2001 Conference Cut-off Dates

Publication Date: November 2001

Author: General Manager: SFA School Channel

Summary: EAC: 2001 Conference Cut-off Dates

Posted on November 1, 2001

To: All Destination Points

From: US Department of Education

Re: EAC: 2001 Conference Cut-off Dates

Student Financial Assistance (SFA) wishes to inform you of important dates for the 2001 Electronic Access Conference (EAC) at Baltimore and Chicago.

Sleeping Room Cut-off for special workshop rates:

1. The cut-off date to receive the special workshop sleeping room rate for the Baltimore EAC has passed. However, you may still phone the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel at 410-385-3000 or Marriott Central Reservations at (800) 228-9290 to reserve lodging at the regular rates.

2. The cut-off date for reserving a sleeping room for the Chicago EAC is November 18.

Registration Cut-off:

1. The cut-off date for registering for the Baltimore EAC is November 12.

2. The cut-off date for registering for the Chicago EAC is November 26.

There is still space available to attend these sites. Go to for more information and to register for the conferences.

Please note: It is very important that you monitor your flight schedule between now and the EACs. Please confirm and re-confirm that your flight schedule has not changed. We don't want anyone to miss this year's conferences, which promise to offer the most vigorous session offerings of any previous conference.

SFA is looking forward to seeing all of you at this year's EACs.