Publication Date: October 30, 2001
Author: TIV/WAN | Title IV Wan Customer Service
Summary: SFA to the Internet Status Update #16
Posted on October 30, 2001
TO:� All Destination Points
FROM:� CPS/WAN Technical Support
RE:� SFA to the Internet Status Update #16
DATE:� October 25, 2001
SFA is pleased to share the 16th communication on SFA to the Internet
SFA to the Internet migration news: 258 more users migrated the week of
October 15th, bringing our total SAIG destination points to 1139.� If you
haven't migrated yet, please do so as soon as possible!� Less than 9 weeks
remain before the TIV WAN system will be shut down.� Destination Points who
wait until the last minute run the risk of not being transitioned before the
TIVWAN system is shut down.
We are pleased to announce that Southern State Community College from
Hillsboro, OH won the second trip to the 2001 Electronic Access Conferences
(EACs). Each winning destination point will receive round trip airfare for
one from their regional airport to the conference location, 3 nights lodging
at the conference hotel and per diem for 4 days.� The third and final
migration deadline to be eligible for a free trip to the 2001 EACs is
October 31.� Migrate soon!
This communication contains the two most frequently asked questions (FAQs)
received by CPS/WAN Technical Support regarding migration to the SAIG:
*�We've been able to successfully send and receive files using
EDconnect Version 5.0.0 after migrating. Suddenly, we're receiving an error
when we try to transmit.�
*�I'm installing EDconnect 5.0.0 and I'm confused about changing my
password.� Help!
FAQ1: We've been able to successfully send and receive files using EDconnect
Version 5.0.0 after migrating� Suddenly, we're receiving and error when we
try to transmit.
ANSWER - EDconnect 5.0.0 uses your existing Internet connection to send and
receive files.� If you have been sending and receiving successfully after
migrating, but suddenly lose your ability to transmit, there are standard
troubleshooting steps that you can use:
1)�Verify that the PC you are using can connect to the Internet.� Start
Internet Explorer or Netscape and make sure there is not a problem with your
Internet connection.
2)�Restart your computer.� If you have a direct connection to the
Internet, restarting your computer will often reestablish a better Internet
3)�Check with your network or technical support staff to see if
anything has changed on your LAN since the last time you were able to
connect successfully.� Firewalls and certain antivirus programs may prevent
EDconnect from sending and receiving files.
If you continue to have problems, contact our Technical Support staff at
1-800-330-5947 or via e-mail at for assistance.
FAQ2: I'm installing EDconnect 5.0.0 and I'm confused about changing my
password.� Help!
ANSWER -� When you log into EDconnect 5.0.0 for the first time, the default
User ID is "Admin" and the password is "PASSWORD." A setup wizard will walk
you through creating a security group. On the SAIG Information dialog, you
must indicate your TG Number and enter a Local Only network password. The
Network and Local password option will be disabled during setup. Enter the
word "PASSWORD" (uppercase and without the quotation marks) in both the New
and Verify text boxes and click OK. You will be informed that the local TG
password has been changed.
How do I find out more about this project?
We will send SFA to the Internet communications weekly during the migration
process.� Each communication will be titled "SFA to the Internet Status
Update".� If you miss any of the updates, all information can be found at� We encourage you to
bookmark this location.�
You can also access this Web site from the School Portal
(, SFATECH, or IFAP Web sites.�
How will I be supported throughout the migration process?
If you have any questions about the migration process, contact CPS/WAN
Technical Support at 1-800-330-5947 or via e-mail at For
your convenience, we've added a Migration Option to the Interactive Voice
Response Unit (IVR).� When prompted, simply press 3 and your call will be
routed to our migration experts.