Publication Date: September 6, 2001
Author: General Manager: SFA Student Channel
Summary: Changing Anticipated Disbursement Dates in 2001-2002 EDExpress
Posted on September 6, 2001
TO: All EDExpress Direct Loan Users
FROM: CPS/WAN Technical Support
RE: Changing Anticipated Disbursement Dates in 2001-2002 EDExpress
CPS/WAN Technical Support would like to inform you of an issue concerning the entry of Anticipated Disbursement Dates in the Direct Loan module of 2001-2002 EDExpress (Versions 7.1, 7.2 and 7.2.1).
2001-2002 EDExpress does not allow you to enter an Anticipated Disbursement Date of 07/01/2002 or later on the Disbursement tab of a loan record. The software returns an error message, "Invalid value-Click "OK" to return to field and see Help (F1) for valid field content."
Note: EDExpress does allow you to enter a Disbursement Date of 07/01/2002 or later in the Disbursement Profile Setup. You can also update the Anticipated Disbursement Date via the Direct Loan External Change process.
If the Anticipated Disbursement Date needs to be changed to a date of 07/01/2002 or later, we advise you to create a new Loan Period Code in the Disbursement Profile Setup. You can then create another loan for the student using the newly created Loan Period Code.
Note: If you choose to create a new loan, you will want to inactivate the existing loan and, if needed, export and transmit the changes to the LOC.
If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.