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Change to EAC Registration and Information Web site

Publication Date: September 6, 2001

Author: General Manager: SFA School Channel

Summary: Change to EAC Registration and Information Web site

Posted on September 6, 2001

TO: All Destination Points
FROM: Student Financial Assistance
RE: Change to EAC Registration and Information Web site

The location of the Electronic Access Conference (EAC) Registration and Information Web site has changed to effective September 7, 2001. This Web site has all of the helpful information you will need to prepare for the 2001 EACs. Informative features include on-line EAC conference registration, on-line hotel information/registration, session description and agenda, travel discount information for each of the conference sites and convention center links to the exciting cities of this year's conferences.

Be sure to check this new site after Monday, September 10 for a tentative list of the 2001 EAC sessions and descriptions.

Please remember to update your EAC bookmark to the following Web site and we hope to see you at this year's conferences.

If you encounter any technical problems with this conference Web site, please contact Jackie Miller at 319-339-6542 or send an e-mail to