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FISAP on the Web offers Real-Time Data Validation

Publication Date: September 5, 2001

Author: General Manager: SFA School Channel

Summary: FISAP on the Web offers Real-Time Data Validation

Posted on September 5, 2001

Publication Date: September 5, 2001
Author: Campus-Based Operations
Summary: FISAP on the Web Offers Real-Time Data Validation

Posted on September 5, 2001

To: All Destination Points
From: U.S. Department of Education
RE: FISAP on the Web offers Real-Time Data Validation

FISAP on the Web Offers Real-Time Data Validation

What is the FISAP on the Web's real-time data validation feature?

The Validation Feature is designed to provide easy and immediate validation of FISAP data. The system generates edits and error messages which you may fix, explain with additional information or ignore.

Do I have to complete my FISAP before I validate my data?

No! FISAP on the Web offers three validation scenarios:

  • Validate- Selecting this link from the left navigation bar on the website (located under Validation) will partially validate your FISAP. Validations will be checked from the beginning of your FISAP up to the page from where you selected the Validate Link. No validations will be checked for parts beyond that page.
  • Validate All- Selecting this link from the left navigation bar on the website (located under Validation) will validate your entire FISAP. It is recommended that you complete your FISAP before selecting this link.
  • Submit- Selecting this link from the left navigation bar on the website will automatically validate your entire FISAP. This is the first step in the FISAP submission process. Similar to the FISAP PC Software, there are some validation edits that must be fixed before submission.

Please note that while you are in validation mode you will not be able to access any other links on the website. A 'Cancel Validation' sub-link will be available under the Validation link on the left navigation bar if you need to access other areas of the website.

How are the validation error numbers and error messages displayed?

After you select one of the three validation scenarios a validation worksheet is displayed detailing error numbers and validation messages. The worksheet contains a 'Print Friendly Version' link on the top of the page so you can print a copy for your records.

Will I still have the capability of logging or fixing my validation errors?

Yes, you will be able to either log or fix your validation errors. Here is how it works:

  • Fixing Errors- A 'Fix Error' button will be located to the right of the validation error message. Clicking the button will take you to the FISAP page where the error occurred. If the error involves more than one field on separate pages, the system will take you to the last page affected by the error. You may then fix all fields related to an error.
  • Logging Errors- A 'Log' check box will be located next to each validation error message. You may check the errors that you want to log and click save. Clicking save will display the Additional Information Page where you may supply any information you think will be relevant to that error.
What do I do next?

Check IFAP each Wednesday for our FISAP on the Web electronic announcements. Each weekly letter will give more information on the FISAP on the Web. Previously released topics include:

  • 8/07/01- FISAP coming to the Web in September
  • 8/15/01- Learn how to transition to the web
  • 8/22/01- Learn how to access FISAP on the Web
  • 8/29/01- FISAP on the Web offers Real-Time Data Validation
What if I still have questions about the process?

If you have questions, please email Heather Towhidian at


Lois M. Moore
Acting Director
Campus-Based Operat

Community Corner

Questions from the Campus-Based Programs Community

Will I need to load the prior year data file information when I use the FISAP on
the Web?

No! If you submitted a FISAP last year, the FISAP on the Web automatically loads your prior year data information for you. You will no longer have to manually import prior year data files.