Publication Date: September 4, 2001
Author: General Manager: SFA School Channel
Summary: Pell Year-to-Date Request in 2000-2001 and 2001-2002
Posted on September 4, 2001
TO: All Destination Points
FROM: U.S. Department of Education
RE: Pell Year-to-Date Request in 2000-2001 and 2001-2002
The Department requests that when selecting students for YTD Data Requests, that ONLY the Reporting Campus and Attended Campus ID be used as criteria. The Department makes this request for faster and more efficient processing by RFMS. Please use this process for the 2000-2001 EDExpress, Version 6.3, and the 2001-2002 EDExpress, Version 7.2.
EDExpress Pell users typically request Pell YTD data through the Pell/Export/Data Request feature. When the Year-to-Date Records option is chosen, you can select students by: Reporting Campus, Attended Campus ID or YTD Select Records.
If you would like to receive YTD data for all the students attending your school or campus, use the Reporting Campus and Attended Campus ID fields; do not use the YTD Select Records. This option was really designed for selecting only a few students. The RFMS system can process YTD requests much more efficiently than those listing individual Origination IDs.
The YTD Select Records button, allows you to identify individual student Origination IDs, or select all students in the grid (by clicking the Select All button). This creates a YTD request listing individual Origination IDs. Do not use the Select All button when you can request all records using the Reporting and Attended Campus ID codes. You may still use the YTD Select Records function to request a limited number of individual Origination IDs --- this request option is NOT being discontinued.
Special circumstances may occur which require you to rebuild certain Pell records upon import into EDExpress. You may use the "Update: Selected" option on the YTD Data import screen to select and update the specific student Origination IDs displayed in the grid.
To receive a list in recipient name order, a Reconciliation File for 2000-2001 can be requested from RFMS via e-mail. Please submit the request to, using a subject line reading "Request for updated 2000-2001 reconciliation file."
A Pell YTD file (PGYR01OP or PGYR02OP) containing all records for the Reporting and Attended Campus IDs can be imported using the YTD Data import type in EDExpress and selecting the Compare And Print Exception option. The resulting report will show only records that do not match between the Pell YTD file and the EDExpress database.
If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via email at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.