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Windows Me Approved as EDE Software Platform

Publication Date: August 2, 2001

Author: CPS | Central Processing System

Summary: Windows Me Approved as EDE Software Platform

Posted on August 2, 2001

TO: All Destination Points
FROM: U.S. Department of Education
RE: Windows Me Approved as EDE Software Platform
DATE: August 2, 2001

The Department and its partners are pleased to announce Microsoft's Windows Me (Millineum Edition) operating system has been tested and approved as both a PC operating system and network environment for its 32-bit software products.

This approval includes the following EDE products:

1) EDExpress for Windows: all 1999-2000, 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 versions
2) QAP for Windows: Version 4.02
3) QA Tool: Version 1.0
4) FISAP for Windows: Versions 2.0, 3.0, 3.1 and 4.0
5) SSCR32: Version 1.2
6) Return of Title IV Funds: Versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.1.1
7) Direct Loan Tools: Version 1.0

The above products were tested and approved for use in the following types of environments:

1) Windows Me as a standalone operating system;
2) Windows Me as a client to a Windows 2000 Server, Windows NT 4.0 Server, and NetWare 5.0 Server.

Generally, all software products performed well in all environments. There were no serious problems found and only a few minor issues that did not limit functionality of any of the software packages. The issues encountered included:

1) When printing system information within EDESuite products, the error message "File Exception result code number: 2, C:\\WINME\ODBC.INI was not found" will occur. After clicking OK to this message the error message "Could not open C:\\WINME\ODBC.INI" will occur. After clicking OK to both messages, the software will print out the system information correctly. NOTE: This issue is not unique to Windows Me; a similar error will also occur in other operating systems (such as Windows NT 4.0).

2) All software tested in Windows Me incorrectly reported the current Operating System in System Information as Windows 98. This was noticed in two areas --- the install process/log and each software's System Information option.

Print testing was done with the following Hewlett Packard (HP) printers: HP IIIsi, HP 4, HP 4000N, HP 4M, HP 4MPlus, HP 4si, HP 5M, HP 5si, HP 5siMX, and HP 8000N.

Under Windows Me reports generally printed without errors and were formatted correctly. However, in certain areas there were reports that had a problem with truncation. The reports affected were:

1) Packaging Fund Maintenance List for 1999-2000 and 2001-2002 EDExpress: Cuts off "%" in last column of last section when using HP5M, HP5Si, and/or HP5SiMX printers.

2) List - Entered Packaging Records for 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 EDExpress: Cuts off last character of report on right margin when using HP5Si MX printer.

3) Summary Report for Return of Title IV Funds (Version 1.1.1): Cuts off last 1-2 columns when using HP3Si, 4, 4000N, 4M, 4MPlus, 4Si, and/or 8000N printers.

4) Worksheet Report for Return of Title IV Funds (Version 1.1.1): Cuts off last 1-2 characters in column heading on right when using HP3Si, 4, 4000N, 4M, 4MPlus, 4Si, and/or 8000N printers.

5) Pell Origination List Report for 2000-2001 EDExpress: Cuts off right margin by 1-2 characters for column heading when using HP3Si, 4, 4M, 4MPlus, and/or 4Si printers.

6) Pell Origination List Report for 2001-2002 EDExpress: Cuts off right margin by 1-2 characters for column heading when using HP3Si printer.

7) Pell Students by Payment Period Report in 1999-2000 EDExpress: Cuts off right margin by 1-2 characters in 5th column when using HP4000N, HP4M, HP4Mplus, HP4Si, HP5M, HP5Si, HP5SiMX, and/or HP8000N printers.

Please continue to exercise extreme caution when using Access 2000 to view ED software databases. Do NOT choose the "convert database" if you open an ED software database using Access 2000; this process will irreparably damage the database and necessitate reinstallation.

In general, we continue to strongly recommend you run a full back-up of any database you plan to view in ANY version of Access prior to opening it.

If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via email at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.