Publication Date: August 2, 2001
Author: CPS | Central Processing System
Summary: Use of Windows XP with 32-bit ED software
Posted on August 2, 2001
TO: All Destination Points
FROM: U.S. Department of Education
RE: Use of Windows XP with 32-bit ED software
This fall the Microsoft Corporation is scheduled to release Windows XP, an upgrade to its PC operating system. We wish to alert all users of current 32-bit ED software --- including EDExpress, EDconn32, FISAP, SSCR, QA Tool and DL Tools --- that ED software products have not been tested for use in the Windows XP environment.
Running ED's 32-bit products in a Windows XP environment may damage your software database(s), warranting reinstallation and recreation of your database(s).
You should also exercise extreme caution when using Access 2002 (Microsoft Office XP's version of Access, which has already been released) to view ED software databases. Do NOT choose the "convert database" if you open an ED software database using Access 2002; this process will irreparably damage the database and necessitate reinstallation.
In general, we continue to strongly recommend you run a full back-up of any database you plan to view in any version of Access prior to opening it.
Please continue to run all ED 32-bit products in a Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows Me environment.
ED and its partners are developing plans to test and resolve any Windows XP compatibility issues, and will communicate any new information or determinations to you immediately.
For further information on system requirements for Ed's 32-bit software, please consult the Installation Guide of the particular software version.
If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via email at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.