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Entry and Export Issues in 2002-2003 FISAP Version 4.0

Publication Date: August 2, 2001

Author: CPS | Central Processing System

Summary: Entry and Export Issues in 2002-2003 FISAP Version 4.0

Posted on August 2, 2001

TO: All Destination Points
FROM: CPS/WAN Technical Support
RE: Entry and Export Issues in 2002-2003 FISAP Version 4.0
DATE: August 2, 2001

CPS/WAN Technical Support would like to advise you of issues in the recently released 2002-2003 FISAP for Windows Version 4.0 affecting data entry and the export of Current/Edit FISAP Data.

We will be releasing FISAP for Windows Version 4.1 on the SFAdownload Web Site by mid-August to address the export issues that we have identified. However, to resolve the entry issues noted below, we are providing workarounds. Version 4.1 will not address these entry issues.

*ENTRY ISSUES (with workarounds)*

The following two issues affect data entry in Part V, Sections G and H.

1) Part V, Section G, Line 25 will not allow an entry of $0 if Lines 23 and 24 do not have a value of $0. However, if your school has an approved waiver for the institutional-share requirements, a value of $0 may be valid for Line 25.

WORKAROUND: The Department will allow Campus-Based schools to enter $1 for Line 25. If your school has used reading tutors, family literacy, or math tutors as its community service component of Federal Work-Study, the school does not have to have an approved waiver; but you should also enter a value of $1 rather than $0.

2) Part V, Section H, Line 27a will not allow an entry of $0 if Lines 26, 27, and 28 do not have a value of $0. However, if your school has a Reading Tutor's Approved Waiver for the Federal share spent for community service, a value of $0 may be valid for Line 27a.

WORKAROUND: The Department will allow Campus-Based schools with a waiver to enter $1 for Line27a.

*EXPORT ISSUES (Will be addressed in Version 4.1)*

1) Version 4.0 will not allow you to export a FISAP record if you enter data in Part VI, Section A, Line 18c AND this number is greater than the total in Part VI, Section A, Line 16a. The export process will fail with the error message "Part VI, Section A, Undergraduate Independent Grid - The data in lines 17 and/or 18 must not exceed the data in line 16." In actuality, this edit should only occur if 18c is greater than 16c (NOT 16a).

2) You may also encounter the error message mentioned above if you add multiple FISAP records in Version 4.0 using the External Add process. If you receive this error message during export, open the record to review Part VI, Section A. If Line 17 and/or 18 do not exceed the data in Line 16, SAVE Part VI of your FISAP record, then export the record again. If saving the record does not resolve this error message, please install Version 4.1 when it is available and run the export again.

If you have not downloaded or installed Version 4.0, or have installed Version 4.0 but have not entered any data, you should do a full install of Version 4.1. If you have installed Version 4.0 and have entered data, you should do a Custom Install (upgrade).

NOTE: These issues will not affect every school that uses Version 4.0. If you do not meet any condition listed above, you will not need to install Version 4.1.

If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947, or via e-mail at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.