Publication Date: May 2, 2001
Author: General Manager: SFA Student Channel
Summary: 2001-2002 Reprocessing for Students with Comment 56 and no SAR C Flag
Posted on May 2, 2001
To: All Destination Points
From: Department of Education
Student Financial Assistance Programs
Re: 2001-2002 Reprocessing for Students with Comment 56 and no SAR C Flag
On April 27, 2001, we changed CPS processing procedures for applicants who submit a 2001-2002 paper original FAFSA and answer "Yes" to question 35 (the drug eligibility question). Students meeting these conditions will now receive both comment 56 and a SAR "C" Code. Prior to this change, students who answered "Yes"(3) to question 35 on the paper original FAFSA received comment 56, but erroneously did not receive a SAR "C" Code.
No processing changes were necessary for students submitting a 2001-2002 electronic application or paper Renewal FAFSA and answered "3" to the drug eligibility question, because these students currently receive both comment 58 (which is similar to comment 56) and an accompanying SAR "C" Code.
On May 3, 2001, the CPS will reprocess the records of less than 11,000 students whose most recent transaction contains comment 56 but does not already have a SAR "C" Code for any reason. SARs with comment 56 and a new SAR "C" Code will be printed and mailed to students. ISIRs will be sent to schools on May 3, 2001.
The following information can be used to identify these reprocessed ISIRs:
§ Reprocessed Reason Code (ISIR field #264, positions 1540-1541) will equal "06";
§ System Generated Indicator (ISIR field #135, position 600) will equal "Z";
§ Comment Code 172 will be present in ISIR field 261 (positions 1459 to 1518);
§ Batch number can be found in ISIR field #115 (positions 490 to 512): #Y200000020010501000001;
§ System Generated message class: SYSG02OP.
We apologize for any confusion caused by the missing SAR "C" Code with comment 56. Financial Aid Administrators should direct students who have questions about the drug eligibility question to 1-800-4FED AID (1-800-433-3243).
If you have any questions about the reprocessing or change, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 1-800-330-5947, or via email at CPSWAN@NCS.COM. If you have technical questions about our SFA systems and software, you may want to subscribe to our email list serve, SFATECH. For more information about SFATECH, including how to subscribe, look on-line at