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Availability of EDExpress for Windows 2001-2002, Version 7.2

Publication Date: April 24, 2001

Author: General Manager: SFA Student Channel

Summary: Availability of EDExpress for Windows 2001-2002, Version 7.2

Posted on April 24, 2001

TO: All Destination Points

FROM: U.S. Department of Education

RE: Availability of EDExpress for Windows 2001-2002, Version 7.2

The U.S. Department of Education is pleased to announce the release of EDExpress for Windows 2001-2002, Version 7.2. This version contains Pell functionality for the 2001-2002 cycle.

NOTE: RFMS will accept and begin processing Pell Origination files on May 1 and Disbursement files beginning on June 21. Files received before the appropriate processing date will be rejected. Since RFMS cannot receive and hold Origination files from EDExpress, schools may begin using the software, but should not export Origination files to RFMS until May 1.

Version 7.2 is available on the Department's FSAdownload Web site (located at The EDExpress 2001-2002 Installation Guide and the Version 7.2 Cover Letter are also available on the SFAdownload Web site. Both documents contain important information you should review after downloading the software.

Version 7.2 is available on the SFAdownload Web site in two formats. You can download the entire software in one file, called EDExpress72.exe, or you can download the software in nine separate installments, which can be copied to a network drive or diskettes. Please review the download and installation instructions in the Installation Guide for further information.

You are required to have Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, or Windows 2000 as your PC workstation operating system in order to run EDExpress Version 7.2. Other system and network requirements are outlined in the Installation Guide.

Version 7.2 can be installed as an upgrade to Version 7.1. You must have Version 7.1 installed in order to run an upgrade (or "Custom") installation of Version 7.2. Version 7.1 is also available for download from the SFAdownload Web site.

NOTE: If you have not installed Versions 7.0 or 7.1 on your system, you can proceed directly to a Full standalone or Full network server/workstation installation of Version 7.2. You do not need to have Version 7.0 or 7.1 installed to perform a Full installation of Version 7.2. Please be aware that a Full standalone or network server installation will load a completely new, blank 2001-2002 EDExpress database to your system!

If you are running an upgrade installation of Version 7.2, it is crucial that you ensure you have a valid, reliable back-up of your current production 2001-2002 EDExpress database (Expres12.mdb). You should also run a database repair and database compact (in that order) via the Tools | Utilities menu before installing Version 7.2.

To upgrade from Version 7.1 to Version 7.2, select the Custom install option during your standalone or workstation installation, and mark the checkbox for any modules you use (so module fixes can be installed). Do NOT mark the "Database" checkbox unless you are performing a first-time installation or want to overwrite your Version 7.1 database. Remember, if you choose to overwrite your database, all data previously entered is lost.

After you upgrade from Version 7.1 to Version 7.2, reboot your PC, then log on to EDExpress to allow the software to perform a one-time only database update. This update loads important changes and fixes to your database structure.

If you are running EDExpress in a network environment, you should first complete ALL of your workstation installations on ALL relevant production PCs, rebooting each PC as you finish the install, then access the software from ONE designated workstation to allow the database update to perform successfully.

If you receive any prompts during the installation indicating an existing file was found and asking if you want to overwrite, click "Yes."

In addition to several general online help issues, the following configuration management issues, listed by module, are being resolved by Version 7.2:


1) CM #3442: When updating Security User profiles under Tools | Setup | Global | Security Users, the software will now prompt you to save changes if you mark the "Export to EDconn32?" checkbox and attempt to exit without specifically clicking the Save button.

2) CM #3464: The online help links for "LOC" and "RFMS" have been fixed under the "Record Layouts" Help Topic.

3) CM #3489: The database update process that will run following a Custom Installation of Version 7.2 will clear all Pell data existing in the 2001-2002 database. The 2001-2002 Pell module could be installed during a Custom installation of Version 7.1, but the module was at that time still under development. Schools were advised in a network message posted in mid-March to not perform any 2001-2002 Pell setup or entry until installation of Version 7.2 was complete.

4) CM #3503: After clicking the Add option under Tools | Setup | Global | School, the software will now automatically focus on the School Code field (so you do not have to click on this field with your mouse to begin entry).

5) CM #3509: Global online help has been updated to indicate you must right-click on a column heading under Tools | Setup | Global | School in order to view additional search options.

Application Processing

1) CM #3434: ISIRs will now print the processed CPS Assumed Value for Student Worksheet C instead of the amount originally entered by the applicant.

2) CM #3435: Application Processing Query has been updated to allow queries on null values for Assumed Student’s Total from Worksheet C.

3) CM #3439: "Totals" statistics will now be displayed at the end of the List - Entered Application Records, List - Entered Correction Records, and List - Entered Duplicate Requests reports.

4) CM #3445: Application Processing online help has been updated to accurately convey that a Student’s Tax Filing Status is not taken into account when Assumption Override Codes 2 and 4 are processed by the CPS.

5) CM# 3458: The software will no longer generate an "abnormal program termination" error when exiting 2001-2002 EDExpress after running an External ISIR export.

6) CM# 3495: The software will no longer generate the error message "Greport: Failed to open recordset - Reason: Join expression not supported" when using the SSN File/Enter Multiple SSNs criteria option on the List - Processed ISIRs report.

7) CM# 3512: The Paid EFC Type will now display either a "P" (Primary EFC) or an "S" (Secondary EFC) on the report generated when running Process | EFC Calculation from a student’s SAR/ISIR tab.

8) CM# 3545: ISIR Comment Code text has been updated for ISIR Comment 53, which is generated when a student leaves the Drug Question blank on a transaction. The comment code text reads "You left ‘Drug Conviction Affecting Eligibility?’ blank.Your failure to provide an answer to this question makes you ineligible to receive Title IV aid. Either indicate that you have never been convicted of possessing or selling illegal drugs or use the enclosed worksheet to determine your answer to this question. In any case, you can correct this item by calling 1-800-4FED-AID (1-800-433-3243) or by going to You can also see your Financial Aid Administrator for assistance. Please understand that a drug conviction does not necessarily disqualify you from receiving student aid."


1) CM #3316: The heading for the Packaging Multiple Entry report now references the 2001-2002 cycle (instead of 1999-2000).

2) CM #3466: Schools running 2001-2002 EDExpress in a Windows 2000 environment will no longer receive a Windows system error (such as a "Dr.Watson" message) when adding funds manually to an already-Packaged student record.

3) CM #3520: Online help has been corrected to point to the appropriate text for the "Do Not Remove if Unpackaged?" option when you enter F1 on the Fund Maintenance setup screen and select the link for information on that field.

Direct Loan

1) CM #3412: Two new fields have been added to Direct Loan Multiple Entry to allow schools to run the equivalent of Process | Verify on multiple loan records at once.

2) CM #3490: Query Valid Values for the field Record Source on the Demo and Loan tabs have been updated to include the value "R," which indicates the record was created via the Rebuild process available in the upcoming DL Tools Version 1.0 software (due for release in June 2001).

3) CM #3513: The Direct Loan School Account Statement (DLSAS) report has been updated to display the Interest Rebate value for loan detail records.

4) CM #3514: The Record Layout for the Direct Loan School Account Statement (DLSAS) report has been updated to display correct field descriptions for field 18 (Disbursement Actual Interest Rebate - LOC), field 19 (Disbursement Net Amount - LOC) and field 20 (Adjusted Net Disbursement Amount - LOC).

5) CM #3544: Direct Loan online help has been updated to provide the correct definition for the PLUS Loan Credit Decision field value of "C" (Credit Overridden; new credit information provided).

6) CM #3564: Valid value descriptions for Parent’s and Student’s Citizenship will now display on PLUS promissory notes printed prior to loan origination via the Print menu or from the Loan tab.

7) CM #3593: External Import Add process has been updated to reject records with zero or blank as a value for the Interest Rebate Percentage field.

8) CM #3594: The External Import Change process has been updated

to correctly translate decimal places when updating the Interest Rebate Percentage.If you need assistance connecting to the SFAdownload site, downloading EDExpress in single or multiple file format, or with the installation or use of EDExpress, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.

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