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Actual Disbursement Adjustment Acknowledgement Import Rejects

Publication Date: April 18, 2001

Author: TIV/WAN | Title IV Wan Customer Service

Summary: Actual Disbursement Adjustment Acknowledgement Import Rejects

Posted on April 18, 2001

TO: All Direct Loan Participants

FROM: CPS/WAN Technical Support

RE: Actual Disbursement Adjustment Acknowledgement Import Rejects

CPS/WAN Technical Support wishes to alert all schools to a recent Loan Origination Center (LOC) processing change that is generating erroneous record updates in EDExpress when importing acknowledgements for actual disbursement adjustments. This modification impacts schools using EDExpress to process Direct Loan data for the 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 cycles. It does not affect the 2001-2002 EDExpress Direct Loan module.

On February 20, 2001, software enhancements were implemented at the LOC for disbursement adjustment processing. These enhancements affect the valid field content for field #22 - Disbursement Actual Net Adjustment of the Disbursement Acknowledgement for message classes DIOD01OP and DIOD00OP.

As of February 20th, this amount is now being populated in field #22 of the Disbursement Acknowledgement for all disbursement adjustments. In the past, this field remained blank for accepted disbursement adjustment transactions.

The current versions of EDExpress for 2000-2001 and 1999-2000 are expecting this field to be blank for accepted adjustments and any values in this field cause EDExpress to update the disbursement adjustment status to "E" (error) status.

Therefore, when currently importing a DIOD01OP or DIOD00OP file into EDExpress, all disbursement adjustment records are being updated in EDExpress with a status of "E" (error). In addition, the EDExpress edit report generated when these acknowledgement files are imported can not identify the affected accepted records that have been updated as rejected in the software and does not provide a specific reject code.

For 2000-2001, the Department is currently working to develop EDExpress Version 6.3.1 to accept the LOC processing change. A network message will be sent when Version 6.3.1 is available for download and installation. Until this updated version is released, schools should contact CPS/WAN Technical Support for immediate assistance with editing 2000-2001 acknowledgement files.

For 1999-2000, schools needing assistance with importing DIOD00OP files into EDExpress Version 5.4.2 should contact CPS/WAN Technical Support for assistance with editing the acknowledgement files so the affected records update the software correctly.

We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused you. If you have any questions, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via email at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.