Publication Date: April 12, 2001
Author: PSS | Program Systems Service
Summary: Delay in Administrative Cost Allowance (ACA) Payments and Statements of Account
Posted on April 12, 2001
TO: All Destination Points
FROM: Pell Grant Processing
RE: Delay in Administrative Cost Allowance (ACA) Payments and Statements of Account
THIS MESSAGE: Announces a delay in ACA payments and the receipt of electronic Statements of Account (ESOA), and corrected data contained in the ESOA.
The U.S. Department of Education's Grants Administration and Payment System (ED/GAPS) is experiencing a delay in processing your institutional 2000-2001 ACA payment. This problem will delay both your receiving the actual payment and the ESOA resulting from your ACA being processed. Further, it may temporarily delay subsequent adjustments to your institutional Federal Pell Grant obligation balance in GAPS that result from RFMS processing your Pell disbursement batches.
If you received an ESOA that RFMS transmitted between March 26 and April 7, 2001, it may have contained incorrect obligation and/or disbursement amounts. Therefore, you should disregard the information on those ESOAs. We have corrected the problems that caused the incorrect data. When the delayed ESOA for the 2000-2001 ACA payment is received, it will contain correct Federal Pell Grant obligation and year-to-date disbursement information.
We appreciate your patience in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact Pell Grant Customer Service at 1-800-4PGRANT (800-474-7268) or via e-mail at