Publication Date: March 2001
Author: PSS | Program Systems Service
Summary: EDExpress for Windows 2001-2002 Not Printing the Assumed Value for Student's Total from Worksheet C on the Printed ISIR Report
- Posted on March 7, 2001
- TO: All EDExpress Users
- FROM: CPS Customer Service
RE: EDExpress for Windows 2001-2002 Not Printing the Assumed Value for
Student’s Total from Worksheet C on the Printed ISIR Report
CPS Customer Service recently identified an issue in Versions 7.0 and 7.1 of EDExpress for Windows 2001-2002 that we wish to communicate to all software users.
When printing ISIR reports using EDExpress, the software is designed to print the value assumed by the CPS for the Student’s Total from Worksheet C (along with an asterisk indicating an assumption has been made). Both versions are incorrectly printing the value reported by the applicant instead of the assumed value.
This software issue will only affect printed ISIRs for processed records where the CPS has made an assumption for the Student’s Total from Worksheet C. No other data elements are affected. The EDExpress database is storing the information correctly and the processed EFC is accurate.
This issue will be resolved in Version 7.2, targeted for release in April 2001.
Follow the steps listed below to identify affected students:
1) Go to Tools | Query. Select the App Express tab.
2) Click on the Add button to enter a new query.
3) In the Title field, enter relevant description for the query, such as STUDENTS WITH ASSUMED WKSHT C.
4) For the Field, select ASSUMED STUDENT’S TOTAL FROM WORKSHEET C. In Operator, select >=, and for Value, enter 0.
5) Click the Append button to include this criterion in the query.
6) With the Field remaining set as ASSUMED STUDENT’S TOTAL FROM WORKSHEET C, set the Operator to <=, and enter 99999 for Value.
7) Click the Append button to include this criterion in the query. After you have appended this criterion, the Criteria box on the Query screen should display the following:
8) Click on the Save button to save the query.
Once you have saved this query, you can use it to print a list of ISIRs affected by this issue:
1) Go to File | Print. Select the App Express tab.
2) Choose the report type List-Processed ISIRs. For Transaction Preference, choose All.
3) Click on the Selection Criteria button. When the Selection Criteria window displays, click on the ellipsis button to display a list of available queries.
4) From the list of queries displayed on the Query Grid, select the query you created using the earlier instructions in this message. Click on the OK button.
5) The Selection Criteria window will display again, showing the name of the query you have selected. Click OK to return to the main Print screen.
6) On the Print screen, click OK to print the list of ISIRs affected by the printing issue detailed in this message.
We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may cause. If you have any questions, please contact CPS Customer Service at (800) 330-5947 or via e-mail at CPS@NCS.COM.