PublicationDate: 4/7/99 Summary: Special Note for EDconnect 32-bit conversions Author: TIV/WAN - Title IV Wan Customer Service Posted on April 7, 1999 PLEASE DISREGARD THIS MESSAGE IF YOUR SCHOOL USES EDEXPRESS EXCLUSIVELY! TO: All Destination Points FROM: Title IV WAN RE: Special Note for EDconnect 32-bit conversions DATE: April 5, 1999 DO NOT install the EDconnect 32-bit V3.0.1 software if you currently use a mainframe system to send and receive your data through Title IV WAN. If your school sends and receives data through Title IV WAN using BOTH a PC and mainframe system: **DO NOT install the EDconnect 32-bit V3.01 software. Please continue to use EDconnect V2.3.0 until your mainframe system is ready for conversion to the new Enterprise Network. If Title IV WAN Customer Service has not already contacted your institution to have the Host Evaluation Document submitted for conversion, please call 1-800-615-1189 or e-mail T4WAN@NCS.COM. If you process data on a mainframe system but you TRANSMIT all your data through Title IV WAN using a PC and EDconnect software: ** Install EDconnect 32-bit V3.0.1. If you have questions concerning this issue please call Title IV WAN customer service at 1-800-615-1189 or via electronic mail at T4WAN@NCS.COM. |