(ANN-23-05) Online Training Course – Completing the 2024–25 FISAP

Publication Date
August 25, 2023
Online Training Course – Completing the 2024–25 FISAP
This letter announces the availability of Federal Student Aid’s online training course to assist with completing the Fiscal Operations Report for 2022–23 and Application to Participate for 2024–25 (FISAP). The course will be available on the FSA Training Center on Aug. 25, 2023.

Dear Colleague:

We are pleased to announce that on Aug. 25, 2023, an online, self-paced training course will be available on the FSA Training Center to assist with completing the Fiscal Operations Report for 2022–23 and Application to Participate for 2024–25 (FISAP). The FISAP is available on the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) website and must be submitted by Sept. 29, 2023, by schools requesting Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) and Federal Work-Study (FWS) program funds for the 2024–25 award year and/or that had either FSEOG and FWS expenditures or Federal Perkins Loan (Perkins Loan) activity for the 2022–23 award year.

In this training, we review the sections of the FISAP and discuss commonly made errors when completing the form. The training is intended for financial aid and business office staff who are responsible for completing the FISAP, especially those who are new to completing the form.

To access the training on Aug. 25, 2023, log in to the FSA Training Center with your username and password. After logging in, select “Training Courses” from the main menu bar. From the drop-down menu that appears, choose “FISAP Training" and then select "Start Here" to launch the course.

Note: If you do not have a username and password for the FSA Training Center, scroll to the bottom of the login page and choose "Create new account." Follow the instructions to create a username and password.

PDF versions of the current FISAP form and instructions are available on the Knowledge Center website.

We look forward to your participation in this training opportunity. If you have questions about the FISAP Training course, please send an email to helpdesk.fsatraining@ed.gov.


Federal Student Aid