(ANN-21-12) Updated Course Offerings – EDExpress Training Course

Publication Date
December 13, 2021
Updated Course Offerings – EDExpress Training Course
This letter announces updated FSA Training Center offerings in the EDExpress Training course.

Dear Colleague:

We are pleased to announce that all modules in the EDExpress Training course have been updated. This series of instructional videos and reference guides is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to use the EDExpress for Windows software.

Each module in the series explores a different part of the software and includes multiple lessons on related topics. You may review the modules in any order you prefer. Modules include:

  • Software Setup

  • EDExpress Basics

  • Packaging Aid

  • Working with ISIRs

  • Pell Origination and Disbursements

  • Direct Loan Origination and Disbursements

  • Teach Grant Lessons

  • Resources


We have added certificates of completion to each of the modules. After you complete the lessons in the module and pass the assessment with a score of 80% or higher, you can download a certificate of completion for your records.

To access the EDExpress Training course on the FSA Training Center website, follow the instructions below:

  1. Log in to the FSA Training Center (fsatraining.ed.gov).

    Note: If you do not have a username and password for the FSA Training Center, select "Create new account" at the bottom of the login page and follow the instructions to create a username and password.

  2. From the black main menu bar, select “Recorded Training.”

  3. From the drop-down menu, choose “EDExpress Training.”

  4. Select "Start Here" to launch the course.

  5. Select a module and then choose any lesson to begin your training.

We look forward to your participation in this training opportunity. If you have questions about the EDExpress Training, please send an email to coursehelp.fsatraining@ed.gov.


Federal Student Aid