Publication Date: April 10, 2018
DCL ID: | GEN-18-04 |
Subject: REVISED 2018-2019 Federal Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules
Summary: This letter provides revised 2018-2019 Pell Grant Program Payment and Disbursement Schedules
Dear Colleague:
On January 31, 2018, in accordance with the provisions of the Master Calendar specified in section 482 of the Higher Education Act, we published the 2018-2019 Federal Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules as Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) GEN-18-01. At the time of publication, the Pell Grant funding was included as part of a continuing budget resolution (Public Law 115-120) that expired on February 9, 2018. We stated that if subsequent 2018 appropriations legislation modified the current maximum award, we would publish revised 2018-2019 Federal Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules.
On March 23, 2018, the President signed Public Law 115-141, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018. Under this appropriation, the maximum Pell Grant award will increase to $6,095 for the 2018-2019 award year, and the corresponding maximum Pell Grant eligible expected family contribution (EFC) will increase to 5486. Under section 401(b)(4) of the HEA, the minimum Pell Grant award is ten percent of the maximum award amount for the award year. Because we use midpoints in both the EFC columns and the cost of attendance (COA) rows in constructing the schedules, the actual 2018-2019 award year minimum scheduled award amount will be $650.
Enclosed with this letter are REVISED PDF and Excel versions of the Payment and Disbursement Schedules for determining Federal Pell Grant awards for the 2018-2019 award year (July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019) for full-time, three-quarter-time, half-time, and less-than-half-time students. For better readability, we are continuing our practice of presenting the PDF version in two parts for each of the schedules. All 2018-2019 Federal Pell Grant awards must be based on the enclosed REVISED schedules.
Schools are reminded that, beginning with the 2017-2018 award year, a student may be eligible to receive Pell Grant funds for up to 150 percent of the student’s Pell Grant scheduled award for an award year. To be eligible for the additional Pell Grant funds, the student must be otherwise eligible to receive Pell Grant funds for the payment period and must be enrolled at least as a half-time student, as defined in 34 CFR 668.2(b), in the payment period(s) for which the student receives the additional Pell Grant funds in excess of 100 percent of the student’s Pell Grant scheduled award. For additional information see Dear Colleague Letter GEN-17-06.
Moreover, in using the attached schedules for awarding a Federal Pell Grant to a student, the full nine-month EFC must always be used regardless of the student’s actual period of attendance. Also, the Title IV COA to be used is always based on the costs for a full-time student for a full academic year, regardless of the actual enrollment status or actual time the student will be enrolled during the award year. It is also important to note that the statutory restrictions of using only certain cost components in constructing a COA in some circumstances still apply. For example, for a less-than-half-time student, the COA includes only cost components for tuition and fees, books, supplies, transportation, room and board for a limited time period, and dependent care expenses. For more information on these COA restrictions please refer to Volume 3, Chapter 2, of the .
Also, note that a student’s eligibility to receive a Federal Pell Grant award may be limited by section 401(c)(5) of the HEA, which sets a lifetime Pell Grant eligibility limit of 12 semesters (or its equivalent). Institutions should review information on Pell Grant eligibility determinations and the Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) limit posted on our Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site. For additional information on the LEU limitation, see Dear Colleague Letter GEN-13-14, and Volume 3, Chapter 3 of the .
In future electronic announcements, we will provide institutions with important information about system, Web, and software modifications that will reflect the revised 2018-2019 Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules. These include changes to: the Central Processing System (CPS), the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System, and the EDExpress for Windows software.
We appreciate your patience through this process and your continued support in making Federal Pell Grant Program assistance available to students. If you have any questions regarding the REVISED 2018-2019 Federal Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules, please contact our Research and Customer Care Center (Care Center) staff. Staff members are available Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Eastern Time) at 1-800-433-7327. After hours calls will be accepted by an automated voice response system. Callers leaving their names and phone numbers will receive a return call within two business days. Alternatively, you may e-mail the Care Center at
James F. Manning
Delegated the Authority to Perform
the Functions and Duties of the Under Secretary
U.S. Department of Education