Publication Date: September 29, 2014
DCL ID: | ANN-14-23 |
Subject: Online Training Module - Default Prevention and Management
Summary: This letter announces an update to Federal Student Aid’s online training module on the cohort default rate process and default management.
Dear Colleague:
We are pleased to announce the availability of an update to our online, self-paced training module about the cohort default rate process and default management. The training, first announced in Dear Colleague Letter ANN-14-04, provides valuable information on the cohort default rate calculation, sanctions and benefits, the challenge process, and tactics and strategies institutions may employ to manage and prevent defaults. The training module is intended for financial aid professionals interested in and concerned with all aspects of default management.
The following additional lessons are now available on the Federal Student Aid E-Training Web site:
The Default Landscape
Reducing Defaults – Start Up
Student Success – The Key to Less Defaults
Financial Literacy
The Customary and Necessary Approach
Cohort Default Rate Adjustments and Appeals
We have also updated the module's "Resources" section with training material to supplement the new lessons.
The updated "Default Prevention and Management" training module is available on the Federal Student Aid E-Training Web site, located at
To access the training, log in to Federal Student Aid E-Training with your username and password. After logging in, select "Training by Topics" on the main menu bar. From the drop-down menu that appears, choose "Default Prevention and Management" and then select "Enroll Me" to launch the course.
Note: If you do not have a username and password for Federal Student Aid E-Training, click on "Create new account" on the home page and follow the instructions to create a username and password.
Thank you for your continued interest in and support of our training efforts. If you have questions about this training opportunity, please contact Craig Rorie at
Jana Hernandes
Service Director, Operations
Federal Student Aid