Publication Date: January 08, 2014
DCL ID: | ANN-14-02 |
Subject: Webinar Recording - Default Aversion and Management
Summary: This letter announces the availability of Federal Student Aid’s recording of a webinar on the cohort default rate process and default management, including effective default prevention strategies.
Dear Colleague:
We are pleased to announce the availability of the recorded version of our online, instructor-led training session that discussed what schools need to know about the cohort default rate process and default management. This webinar provided valuable information on the cohort default rate calculation, the challenges and appeals process, and required corrective action resulting from high cohort default rates. How to implement an effective default prevention strategy was also discussed.
Federal Student Aid staff presented this information on several separate occasions in November and December 2013. For a complete description of the session, refer to Dear Colleague Letter ANN-13-17.
The "Default Aversion and Management" webinar recording is available on the Federal Student Aid E-Training Web site, located at
To access the recording, log in to Federal Student Aid E-Training with your username and password. After logging in, point your cursor to "Live & Recorded Webinars" on the main menu bar. From the drop-down menu that appears, choose "Default Aversion and Management" and then select "Enroll Me" to proceed to the recording. To play the recording, click the forward arrow ("Play") at the bottom left-hand corner of the title slide. A copy of the transcript, PowerPoint presentation, and supplemental training materials are also provided.
Note: If you do not have a username and password for Federal Student Aid E-Training, click on "Create new account" in the right-hand column on the home page and follow the instructions to create a username and password.
Thank you for your continued interest in and support of our training efforts. If you have questions about this training opportunity, please contact Craig Rorie at
Jana Hernandes
Service Director, Operations
Federal Student Aid