Publication Date: November 2004
DCL ID: GEN-04-12
Return of Title IV Aid
Posted on 11-17-2004
November 2004
Subject: Return of Title IV Aid
Summary: This letter announces a change to guidance that was provided in Dear Colleague Letter GEN-04-03 on the application of the Return of Title IV Aid requirements for schools that are required to take attendance.
Dear Colleague:
In February 2004, we issued a Dear Colleague Letter (GEN-04-03) that addressed a number of issues regarding the Return of Title IV aid when a student withdraws from school, including our view that institutions that are required to take attendance are expected to have procedures to determine when a student's absence is a withdrawal. In that context, we indicated that we would expect that the date of the institution's determination that the student withdrew would be no later than one week after the student's withdrawal date. For institutions that are required to take attendance, the student's withdrawal date is the last date of academic attendance as determined by the institution from its attendance records (§668.22(b)(1)). The purpose of this letter is to announce that we are posting a revised Dear Colleague Letter GEN-04-03 to extend the one-week time frame to two weeks each time that it appeared in GEN-04-03. This change has been made in recognition of the systems that are used to monitor attendance at institutions that are required to take attendance.
Sally L. Stroup
Assistant Secretary for
Postsecondary Education
GEN-04-03 Revised: Return of Title IV Aid with Attachment