Publication Date: October 2002
DCL ID: G-02-340
This letter corrects guidance provided in Dear Partner LetterGEN-02-07 on the approved Federal Stafford Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN).
October 2002
SUMMARY: This letter corrects guidance provided in Dear Partner LetterGEN-02-07 on the approved Federal Stafford Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN).
Dear Partner:
The printing instructions for the Federal Stafford Loan Master Promissory Note� provided in Dear Partner Letter GEN-02-07 inadvertently stated that information and/or logos identifying the guaranty agency must be printed in black ink. The letter also indicated that the space for including such identifying information is in the upper left-hand corner of the promissory note.
Consistent with prior guidance supporting the use of the Federal Stafford MPN, the boxes in the upper right-hand corners of the forms are intended to provide a guaranty agency, program or lender with a space to include their logo, name, telephone number and appropriate coding. The MPN must be printed in black ink except for the printing in the boxes in the upper right hand corners of the forms.
If you have any questions concerning this revised guidance, please contact Patricia Beavan at (202) 377-4010.
Jeff Baker, Director
Program Development Division
Finanacial Student Aid