Publication Date: April 2002
DCL ID: ANN-02-02
This letter announces 2002-03 EDExpress training
April 2002
SUMMARY: This letter announces 2002-03 EDExpress training.
Dear Partner:
FSA University is pleased to announce EDExpress training for 2002-03. To facilitate travel, we are offering three one-day sessions on consecutive days within a single week.
EDExpress is free, FSA-developed software that allows you to process Title IV data electronically. The three sessions offered for 2002-03 cover the following topics:
§ Application Processing and QA Tools
§ Pell Grants
§ Direct Loan Basics.
How are the workshops presented?
All the workshops will be held in computer labs with a strong emphasis on hands-on, case study exercises. Instructors will facilitate activities that encourage experience-based learning, while traditional lecture is kept to a minimum.
What's covered, and who will benefit from this training?
Application Processing and Quality Analysis (one-day workshop)
Audience (Application Processing)
- Financial aid professionals with day-to-day responsibility for electronic application processing
- Need some previous experience with EDExpress software
Workshop content:
- Application Processing portion is five hours of the one-day session
- Covers EDExpress Global and Application Processing updates for 2002-2003
- Uses a live database to retrieve ISIRs; process, correct, and transmit ISIR data; and manage electronic financial aid data
Audience: (QA Tools)
- Financial aid directors or staff who work with Pell Grants and Verification processing, or who set verification policy
- Not for those new to financial aid
Content (QA Tools)
- Quality Analysis (verification) portion follows Application Processing
- Instruction on a new tool that allows your school to evaluate the effectiveness of verification-CPS edits.
- Learn to construct reports using custom formats, selected fields, and queries to extract specific information about your aid applicants.
Pell Grants
Audience:- Intermediate hands-on users with some experience with the EDExpress Pell module
- Need at least a basic knowledge of EDExpress and Pell.
- Enhancements to the 2002-03 Pell module of EDExpress version 8.1
- COD as it relates to EDExpress users
- New verification codes, locating on-line resources, cross-module functionality, and data tracking and error resolution
- How to use EDExpress queries and reports to maximize data analysis
- Tips to streamline processing and expand your knowledge of the software.
- Users who may need a refresher in using EDExpress Direct Loan software
- Those who are new to the Direct Loan program
- One-day session gives participants a basic understanding of the Direct Loan process
- Uses a live database to create and originate loan records; print and manifest MPNs; create disbursement records; make changes to Direct Loan records; and import and export records.
- Instruction on the use of Direct Loan Tools to aid in reconciliation
When, where, and how long are the workshops?
EDExpress workshops will run from late May through July, with a possibility of added dates later this fall. Most of the workshops will be held in the Regional Training Facilities (RTFs) in the Department of Education's ten regional cities. For a complete list of regional training dates, check the FSA University training website.
Each day's workshop begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends near 4:00 p.m., with appropriate breaks and a one-hour lunch break.
How do I register for the workshops?
Because these are computer labs, the size of each class is limited to forty people per workshop. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, and advance registration is absolutely necessary. If you register and then are unable to attend, please cancel so someone else may take your place. If FSA University changes or cancels a workshop, we'll notify you by e-mail.
You will need to register separately for each one-day workshop that you wish to attend: (1) Application Processing and QA Tools, (2) Pell, and (3) Direct Loan Basic. To register, go to Please check out our new registration system�we'll be asking you to create an ID and password to login, and will also request your OPE ID number. After we collect your information for the first visit, we'll be able to provide more efficient registration and confirmation services each time you visit our site.
If you need help with the registration process, call (202) 377-3941 or e-mail The training is free, but you must arrange and pay for your own transportation, meals and lodging.Â
Thank you for your interest in Federal Student Aid and in FSA University training. We look forward to your participation in our workshops and hope you will find them useful.
Anne Teresa
Director, FSA University