Publication Date: March 2002
DCL ID: CB-02-02
This letter provides information regarding the "Institutional Application and Agreement for Participation in the Work-Colleges Program" for the 2002-2003 award year.
March 2002
SUMMARY: This letter provides information regarding the "Institutional Application and Agreement for Participation in the Work-Colleges Program" for the 2002-2003 award year.
REFERENCE: Volume 6 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook
Dear Partner:
This letter provides information necessary to apply for participation in the Federal Work-Colleges Program for the 2002-2003 award year. In order for an institution to participate in this program the institution must comply with all provisions of Part C Section 445, of Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), and effective program regulations.
1. Q:Â Â How do I submit the application to the Department?
A:Â Â The Application may be mailed or hand delivered to:
        Sandra K. Donelson
        Campus-Based Operations
        Schools Channel
        830 First Street, NE
        Room 61F1
       Washington, D.C. 20202-5453
2. Q: What is the deadline to submit the application?
A: Your application must be post marked no later than April 26, 2002.
If hand delivered the application must be delivered to the above address not later than 4:30 P.M. EST on April 26, 2002
3. Q: What happens if we are late in submitting our application?
A: An application received after April 26, 2002 will not be considered for funding.
4. Q: What if I have additional questions pertaining to the Work-Colleges process?
A: You may contact Sandra Donelson at 202-377-3183.
5. Q: What can we expect after we have submitted our application?
A: You will be notified of our decision by May 31, 2002.
6. Q: How do I report my Work-Colleges Program expenditures?
A: We have enclosed the 2001-2002 Work-Colleges Program Report so that you can provide the Work-Colleges Program expenditure information for your school. The report must be completed and returned with a postmark date no later than October 18, 2002.
We hope this letter is helpful regarding your possible participation in the Federal Work-Colleges Program.
Richard P. Coppage, Acting Director
Campus-Based Operations
Schools Channel