Publication Date: July 2001
DCL ID: GEN-01-09
Summary: NSLDS Student Transfer Monitoring Process
July 2001
Subject: NSLDS Student Transfer Monitoring Process
Dear Partner:
This letter is to remind you that, under regulations that became effective July 1, 2001 (34 CFR 668.19), schools are no longer required to obtain a paper Financial Aid Transcript (FAT), or respond to another school's request for an FAT for any transfer student, including mid-year transfers. Instead, under a new process described in the attachment to this letter our National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) will provide financial aid history information for mid-year transfer students directly to schools that request it.
The attachment includes a discussion of the background for the requirement that schools obtain financial aid history information for their transfer students. More importantly, it includes a full discussion of the new requirements and how schools and NSLDS will implement them using the "Inform, Monitor, Alert" process. The first thing you must do in order to begin using the new process is to set-up your school's Transfer Monitoring profile in NSLDS. Your profile will tell us which of the school options you wish to choose for both the "Inform" and "Alert" features of the new system as discussed fully in the attachment. Your profile also establishes the email address you want NSLDS to use when you have "Alerts" that need your review. You set your profile by logging onto the web site and clicking on the "Transfer Monitoring" tab.
We want to thank the many financial aid administrators who helped us develop the new process. We believe that it will not only ensure that the most reliable financial aid history information is used when schools determine the eligibility of a transfer student for Title IV aid, but it will do so in a significantly less burdensome way than the prior FAT processes.
If you have any questions about the new Transfer Monitoring Process please call the NSLDS Customer Service Center at 1-800-999-8219, from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. eastern time, except Federal Holidays. Or, you can e-mail your question to
Jeff Baker, Director
Program Development Division
Lynn Alexander, Director