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(CB-01-02) (CB-01-02) Changes in the 2002-2003 FISAP for the Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and Federal Work-Study (FWS) Programs.

Publication Date: January 2001

DCL ID: CB-01-02

Summary: Changes in the 2002-2003 FISAP for the Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and Federal Work-Study (FWS) Programs.

** See Enclosure Below **

February 2001


SUMMARY:Changes in the 2002-2003 FISAP for the Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and Federal Work-Study (FWS) Programs.

REFERENCE: The Student Financial Aid Handbook, Campus-Based Programs

Dear Partner:

We are planning to make certain data collection changes to the Fiscal Operations Report for 2000-2001 and Application to Participate for 2002-2003 (FISAP). These changes include statutory/regulatory updates and suggestions from schools that participated in our focus groups and conferences. Although these proposed changes still require Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval, we are advising you of them in advance of the FISAP distribution in July so you may plan accordingly.

Please review the following 2002-2003 FISAP award year changes and compare them with the 2001-2002 FISAP to ensure that your school can accommodate the proposed new data collection requirements.

Part I - Identifying Information, Certifications and Warning

Section B

The Drug-Free Workplace, Anti-Lobbying, and Debarment Certifications, and the FISAP Certification and Signature pages have been combined into one document to reduce burden for the schools. Schools will no longer have to locate two separate documents within the FISAP software or sign and submit two separate documents. Only the Chief Executive Officer signature is now required. The Chief Fiscal Officer and Financial Aid Administrator signature option has been eliminated, although identifying information is requested for the Financial Aid Administrator.

Part II - Application to Participate

Section C

The field for the Title III waiver application has been eliminated. Schools that want a waiver of the institutional-share requirement under the FWS and/or FSEOG Programs because of their Title III designation are no longer required to check a field on the FISAP in order to request this waiver. A school is considered to have applied for this waiver for the 2002-2003 award year if the school:

Submits a complete FISAP by the established deadline, and is designated as Title III eligible.

Such schools will receive a letter from the Campus-Based programs in June 2001 indicating that they have been granted a Title III waiver of the institutional-share requirement for the FWS and/or FSEOG programs for the 2002-2003 award year. An institution that receives this waiver for the 2002-2003 award year has the option to continue providing an institutional share and determining the amount of that share.

Institutions must annually apply for the Title III designation. If you are unsure of your Title III eligibility for the 2002-2003 award year, or if you need to apply for Title III eligibility, contact:

US Department of Education

Institutional Development Undergraduate

Education Service (IDUES)

Title III Eligibility Designation

1990 K Street, NW, 6th Floor

Washington, DC 20006-8512

Phone: (202) 502-7777

Section D

The complete non-traditional calendar enrollment grid has been reinstated on the FISAP form. ED determined that schools would be less confused, and there would be better quality control if the month by month non-traditional enrollment were included with the totals. ED staff would also have the ability to view all of the data for Section D, fields 9 through 21 when answering school questions. We have also included clearer instructions on how schools should complete the non-traditional enrollment grid. Note that field numbers have been changed as a result of the reinstatement of the non-traditional enrollment grid.

Part III - Federal Perkins Loan Program Report

There are no changes in Part III.

Part IV - Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program

There are no changes in Part IV.

Part V - Federal Work-Study Program

Section H

A new field 27 (a) has been added to accommodate the new requirement for schools to have at least one student (or project) in their community service program employed in a reading tutor of children or family literacy activity. Schools must report the amount of the Federal share entered in Field 27 that was spent on community service employment in field 27 (a). To qualify as community service employment, the reading tutoring of children or family literacy activities must have been open and accessible to the community.

This information will be used to determine whether your school, in meeting the 7 percent community service expenditure requirement, had employed one or more students in at least one reading tutoring project as a reading tutor of children or in a family literacy project performing family literacy activities. Further, this information will be used to support whether your school met one of the requirements for reallocated FWS funds, if requested, by spending at least 5 percent of your original plus supplemental FWS allocations to pay students employed as reading tutors of children or in family literacy activities as part of your community service activities.

Part VI - Program Summary

There are no changes in Part VI.

You may contact Sandra Donelson on (202) 708-9751 if you have any questions about these 2002-2003 FISAP changes.


Lois Moore, Acting Director

Campus-Based Programs Operations
