DCLPublicationDate: 7/1/2000 DCLID: GEN-00-9 AwardYear: Summary: We invite you to attend the Third-Party Servicers and Software Providers Conference on August 10 and 11 in Arlington, Virginia. This letter describes the conference and tells you how to register.
July 2000
GEN-00-09 Dear Partner: We invite you to attend the Third-Party Servicers and Software Providers Conference on August 10 and 11 in Arlington, Virginia. This letter describes the conference and tells you how to register.
Why you should attend the conference
This conference will give you the latest information available about changes and updates to our Student Financial Assistance Application Systems. This information will help to develop your systems. You will also have an opportunity to give us your thoughts about future directions we should explore. This conference is freethere is no registration fee.
What the conference will cover
We have developed an ambitious agenda that will update you on all of our system enhancements for the 2001-2002 academic year, including
CPS (ISIR record layout and technical specifications), Internet Gateway (Title IV WAN), Direct Loan Origination (technical specifications for EDExpress and Loan Origination System), National Student Loan Data System, Campus-Based FISAP, GAPS (and any info on the new accounting systems) and, Pell Recipient and Financial Management System (technical specifications for EDExpress and RFMS)
We also plan to brief you on
Future ED Initiatives and Strategies (including Portals, Architecture & Standards, and Common Origination/Disbursement), How ED will Test with Third-Party Vendors, and Building Stronger Relationships/Partnering for Mutual Benefit
Where we will hold the conference
We will begin at 8:30 a.m. on August 10 and end at 4:30 p.m. on August 11. We will hold the conference at:
Arlington Hilton & Towers 950 N. Stafford Street Arlington, VA 22203 Sleeping Room Rate: $125 + 9.75% tax (A deposit equal to one night's lodging is required. Cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to arrival to receive a full refund.) Name of Room Block: Third Party Reservation Cutoff Date: July 9, 2000 For reservations: (703) 528-6000
The hotel is conveniently located in northern Virginia near Route 66. Please call the hotel for driving directions from your departure point.
How to register for the conference
Conference information and registration is currently available through a link on the IFAP Web Page (www.ifap.ed.gov). To get to the conference information from the IFAP web site, click on the "SFA Conference Registration" link on the left-hand side of the IFAP home page. Once on the SFA Conference Dates and Registration Information Page, scroll down to select the "August 10-11, 2000: Third Party Servicers and Software Providers Conference". Or complete the enclosed registration form and fax it as soon as possible. If you have questions regarding the registration process, please call Lynn Mikelatis of Walcoff Technologies at (703) 218-1422 or email: meetings@walcoff.com.
The conference registration deadline is August 1, 2000. The sleeping room reservation cut off date is July 9, 2000. Please make your sleeping room reservations early. Even though we have cutoff dates, it is possible that the sleeping rooms could sell out before these dates.
If you have any questions
If you have questions regarding session content and/or the agenda, please contact Title IV WAN Customer Service at (800) 615-1189.
We hope you will join us
Steve Hawald Chief Information Officer Student Financial Assistance Programs |