DCLPublicationDate: 7/1/2000 Dear Partner, The Campus-Based (CB) Reallocation form is now available! Does my institution need to complete the Reallocation form? Your institution needs to complete the Reallocation form, if you meet either of the 2 criteria below: 1. If your institution is not going to spend their entire1999-2000 allocation in any of the 3 CB programs. 2. If your institution would like to request supplemental 2000-2001 FWS funds for community service jobs, and: ·Your institution spent at least 10% of its total 1999-2000 FWS federal funds for community service jobs, and ·Your institution has a FWS fair share shortfall on line 28 of its 2000-2001 final funding worksheets. Where can I find the Reallocation form? The Reallocation form can be found in your schools FISAP 3.0 software. What if I dont have the FISAP 3.0 software or my prior year data file? The FISAP 3.0 software is available at the Departments software download website: www.fsadownload.ed.gov, and your prior year data file (FPYD02OP) is located in your schools Student Aid Internet Gateway (formerly Title IV WAN) mailbox. How do I access the Reallocation form? In order to access the Reallocation form, you must complete the following 3 steps: 1. Install your FISAP 3.0 software. 2. Import your prior year data file (FPYD02OP). 3. Review your funding levels. The Reallocation form can be found under the Tools, Setup, Reallocation Form pull-down menu. Where can I get instructions for the Reallocation form? Instructions for the Reallocation form can be found in the FISAP 3.0 software. The help text can be viewed from the Help menu, or by using your keyboards F1 key, to obtain field specific help text. When is the Reallocation form due? The Reallocation form is due to the Department by August 25, 2000. How do I submit the Reallocation data file? The Reallocation data file (FREL02IN) must be transmitted to the Department via your FISAPs Student Aid Internet Gateway (formerly Title IV WAN) mailbox. If you have transmission questions, please contact Title IV WAN at (800) 615-1189. How will I know that the Department has received my Reallocation form? Within 24 hours of your submission, the Department will send you an acknowledgement file (FREA02OP), with an acceptance or a rejection message. If you do not receive your acknowledgement file with 24 hours, please contact the CB contractor at (877) 801-7168. The acknowledgement file is in text format and can be opened using any text editor (NotePad, WordPad, WordPerfect, Word, etc). In most text editors, choose "File", "Open", select the file directory (c:and search for "All files". The acknowledgement file can then be viewed and printed for your records. What if I still have questions about the process? If you have questions, please contact Milton Thomas at (202) 708-9756. Sincerely, JoAnn Pease, Acting Team Leader Campus-Based |