DCLPublicationDate: 6/1/2000 DCLID: ANN-00-13 AwardYear: Summary: SFA Publication Listing on the Web June 2000 Ann-00-13 SUMMARY: SFA Publication Listing on the Web Dear Partner: We've added a new resource to the IFAP Web site that will keep a current listing of all SFA publications that schools may order from our call centers. Go to ifap.ed.gov and select "Ordering Publications" to find out what's available ... we've provided ordering information and Web addresses for those print products that are also on the Web. We hope that these Web pages will make it easier to find out about our print products in one place. We hope that you find the publication ordering information useful. If you have any comments or suggestions about these Web pages, please send them to: sfaschoolspubs@ed.gov Mike High Research & Publications Group Schools Channel Student Financial Assistance |