DCLPublicationDate: 5/1/2000 DCLID: ANN-00-12 AwardYear: Summary: A Pre-Release Version of the Return of Title IV Funds Software is available for use on the Internet. You may also register for lab sessions at Regional Training Facilities and at some school sites. May 2000 ANN-00-12 SUMMARY: A Pre-Release Version of the Return of Title IV Funds Software is available for use on the Internet. You may also register for lab sessions at Regional Training Facilities and at some school sites. Dear Partner: On April 26 Student Financial Assistance (SFA) issued a "pre-release" version of the software for the Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4). This software is available on the Internet and you may provide feedback to us by May 19, 2000. If a follow-up version of the software is needed, we will release the new version to you by early July 2000. The pre-release version may be accessed from: http://www.FSAdownload.ed.gov under Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP). For more information, see the Electronic Announcement dated April 26, 2000. To assist you further, we are pleased to invite financial aid directors and assistant directors, comptrollers, bursars, accountants, consultants, servicers, and other financial aid professionals to attend informal, half-day labs in June 2000. Most labs will be held at one of the Regional Training Facilities (RTFs). The remainder will be held at school sites in some of the ED Regions. We recommend that attendees at the labs have at least one year of administrative experience in the Title IV student financial aid programs. You should also have attended one of the recent Spring 2000 Reauthorization Training workshops, which included the regulatory requirements for the Return of Title IV Funds. At the labs you will complete the calculation steps with informal technical assistance from ED regional staff. There is no formal classroom training. Each lab will last three hours with the choice of a morning or an afternoon lab session. The morning session runs from 9:00 A.M. to 12 Noon and the afternoon session from 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. A 15-minute break will be part of each session. You must register to attend an RTF lab. Please telephone the ED regional representative listed in Attachment A to register. The representative can also provide information on the locations, dates, and registration for the school labs. We encourage you to register as soon as possible because space is limited. Prior to attending, please complete the R2T4 Program Institutional Charges form in Attachment B and the R2T4 School Calendar Profile form in Attachment C. We suggest that you use fictional, rather than actual, student data. You should also bring to your lab two recent case-study samples from pro-rata refunds completed at your institution so that the training will be as realistic as possible. Attendance at the labs is free of charge, but you must arrange and pay for your own transportation, meals, and lodging. If you have questions regarding the RTF location, including information about lodging, restaurants, and parking, please contact the regional representative for your lab (see Attachment A). We hope you will participate in these labs and find them helpful in learning to use the Return of Title IV Funds software. Sincerely, Anne Teresa Acting Director, SFA University Attachments |