Publication Date: February 2000
DCL ID: ANN-00-03
Summary: Now we're glad to tell you that the first edition of the entire 36-lesson course is ready for downloading
Dear Partners,
During the past few months, you've had an opportunity to get acquainted with the
21-lesson course preview of SFA COACH, your new computer-based introductory training course on student aid management. The office of Student Financial Assistance (SFA) has received many favorable comments about the content and format of this training, and the Web delivery of the course seems to have proceeded smoothly for most users.
Now we're glad to tell you that the first edition of the entire 36-lesson course is ready for downloading from You can download the curriculum to any computer that meets the specifications for using other SFA electronic products and has 160 MB of available disk space. Some schools report that they have made the course accessible to a large number of work sites by installing it on their internal networks.
This edition of SFA COACH is based on rules and procedures for the 1999-2000 award year. An updated edition of the course containing 2000-01 information and exhibits will be available this summer. As we continue to develop annual award-year updates, we will be gathering information from our SFA partners on how the course is being used, suggestions for improvements, preferred delivery methods, and ideas for other Web-based training programs. For the present, please email your comments and recommendations to You can also request help with any downloading problems from that address.
A word on delivery methods for the course: We're basically committed to using the Web to deliver computer-based training because this cuts the risk of having outdated materials in circulation -- a special concern when training newer staff. We plan to move toward online delivery of such training in the future to eliminate the need for downloading.
Once again, we thank the experienced and neophyte school financial aid personnel who during the past year have carefully field-tested each of the lessons in the course. SFA COACH is truly a team effort among the Department of Education and our school and contractor partners, and it is a precedent for the way we want to work with you to improve services to our student customers.
Greg Woods
Chief Operating Officer